My first time werkin' with leather...


Well-Known Member
I'm just about at the stage with my Mjolnir project to wrap the handle in leather. I have some leather I'm going to cut into strips to wrap around the handle but have never worked with leather before. Should I wet the leather before applying so it'll shrink tighter around the handle? Any little tricks you guys know would be greatly appreciated, I've only got enough leather to try this once.

Thanks guys...

In that sort of situation I've always wet my leather first with good results, but I'm definitely not an experienced leather worker by any means. :) I also usually put a little water-friendly glue under the leather to give it a little more encouragement to behave.

Someone else had a great suggestion for a project like this. They recommended replacement leather grips for tennis rackets. I'm sure you could find them at any good tennis club or big sporting good store. Might make for a quick solution. Just a thought.
Originally posted by rmschneider104@Mar 16 2006, 12:45 PM
Someone else had a great suggestion for a project like this.  They recommended replacement leather grips for tennis rackets.  I'm sure you could find them at any good tennis club or big sporting good store.  Might make for a quick solution.  Just a thought.

I hadn't thought of that, I'm definitely going to check out the sporting store this weekend, thanks for the tip.