My First Predator Bio!


New Member
Hi all,

So, i've just yesterday joined this forum, after ordering and getting my very first Predator Bio, it's not quite the conventional design of the Bio, but i think it looks pretty damn good for what i paid for it, alongside the fact that there are just SO many variations on this forum!

It DID come with some problems however, the 5mW Lasers being the main one, they aren't aligned properly, they aren't wired correctly, and aren't actually pointing in any kind of visible direction other than due south-west, aka; at the floor.

Thanks to some careful browsing on here i've figured out how to re-wire the Lasers so the battery i fitted doesn't just go critical like it has been.

Aligning the Lasers will be a pain in the bum task, but yet again after using the search function, i've found a few ways to align the Lasers. (The seller has, after a quick email, offered for FREE to send me a blank Shroud for the lasers if i can't get them to point somewhere reasonable in my field of view!)

But the main topic of this post, was to first-off show my Bio, of which i have done NOTHING to yet, and to perhaps get some ideas from the community?

I'm thinking of repainting this bio, and perhaps replacing this Mirrored Lens (which appears to be a thick strip of mirrored perspex or the sort) with some Mesh, although i'm dubious on the visibility through Mesh

So, as a theme gentlemen and women, i'd think that this Bio would be more suited to the bronzey-type colour palette? More of an Ancient look than perhaps the newer looking bio's / P1 / P2 styles?

Go ahead, slay me with your thoughts!




*Note* I couldn't get the Attachment thing to work, kept on freezing up on me, so i've just randomed the pics to Tinypic.
Nice looking bio you've got there. It's unique.

As far as mesh for the eyes is concerned, you shouldn't have too much trouble seeing through it. My bio has mesh for the eyes, and seeing through it isn't difficult. (Of course, being a Predator mask, there's no peripheral vision, but that's to be expected.) One benefit of using mesh is that air can flow through the bio a lot better than it can if you've got clear plastic lenses. I tried tinted plastic lenses in my bio once, and I started fogging them up like crazy. (To be fair, I was in a forest with 90% humidity.) On the other hand, the mesh doesn't completely hide your eyes, as you can see in this picture:

As far as the paint job is concerned, I don't really see anything wrong with the paint job that it currently has, but a bronze-like color scheme would certainly work on it. Something along the P2 color scheme would make it look nice.
hello Darkon.welcome, you've bought your first bio and already you are thinking about repainting it.. Sounds like it's all over.. ''Abandon all hope he who enters here''.
hello Darkon.welcome, you've bought your first bio and already you are thinking about repainting it.. Sounds like it's all over.. ''Abandon all hope he who enters here''.


That's hardly fair.. Just figured repainting it to a higher standard would've made it more personalised, as opposed to repainting it because i don't LIKE what's on there, because i do!

It's not over, this is just the beginning
@ Elkman

Thanks mate! I agree it's pretty unique, and i love the word Unique!

Thanks for the info on the Mesh though, as i can see it doesn't have that much of an effect to hiding your eyes, but it's pretty good in hot weather or just if your generally overheating..

Well, since i live in the UK, i'm in NO DANGER of hot weather, so we can rule out fogging up the lenses immediately

But, i'm convinced there's got to be a better lense to install other than what's in there, as it's pretty thick, and that means slightly distorted vision.

Perhaps i'll find an alternative

Yes, yes, a P2 style theme might be in order, i'll sit and stare at the mask for a while and see what my imagination comes up with! :p
If your going the elder route, then by all means may I suggest adding some battle damage and scaring, maybe even some predator writing engraved in, paint it like it's got a certain degree of tarnish and maybe a bit of patina green in the jacks and corners if your going the copper route.
I suggest this because if I ever get a bio, that's how I would do it, maybe down the track as my P2 elder has no bio

hope this helps, and good hunting.
If your going the elder route, then by all means may I suggest adding some battle damage and scaring, maybe even some predator writing engraved in, paint it like it's got a certain degree of tarnish and maybe a bit of patina green in the jacks and corners if your going the copper route.
I suggest this because if I ever get a bio, that's how I would do it, maybe down the track as my P2 elder has no bio

hope this helps, and good hunting.

Well, the elder route would look somewhat more fitting to a bio with a pitted look to it as it has, as would the copper-effect.. It does already have predator writing engraved into the rim, but it's hard to see unless your up close, thats one of the things i'd just like to do myself.

The thing is, so many great members of this place have made their own from scratch, and i just feel a little bit like i've bought into the site rather than contributed to it by buying my mask pre-made rather than making it, hence why i'd like to do some work to it to improve it, to make it a little more my own creation.

Plus this is the very first Predator item i own, DVD's aside.

Thanks for the advice though Predbeast!
LoL sorry mate didn't see the writing, working from my iPhone has it's disadvantages. Lack of detail in pics is one of them. If you want to start making your own stuff, may I suggest starting on somthing small, building your confidence as you have each success. I've seen people start large jobs, put a lot of hrs in only to have somthing go wrong. Then you get pretty discouraged and loose your momentum.

I myself started with carving out dread beads, ( one day I might even finish moulding them just don't have the time and space right now)

Just a thought
LoL sorry mate didn't see the writing, working from my iPhone has it's disadvantages. Lack of detail in pics is one of them. If you want to start making your own stuff, may I suggest starting on somthing small, building your confidence as you have each success. I've seen people start large jobs, put a lot of hrs in only to have somthing go wrong. Then you get pretty discouraged and loose your momentum.

I myself started with carving out dread beads, ( one day I might even finish moulding them just don't have the time and space right now)

Just a thought

I understand what you mean, starting a big project when i have only a little experience of clay work, no real tools for it at the moment, and not much spare time, would be fairly suicidal.

I'm resigned at the moment to just tart up this Bio a little, and will post my progress on here with pics as time goes by, just want to infill and highlight the yautja writing on the crest, and weather the bio, going to do some research into how copper / bronze weathers, look it up so i can make it look nice and realistic.