my first ever attempt mk6 ironman

Its lookin great bud, just to let ya know the piece attached to the cod is another piece of the side abs, If ya look at how Helagak did his you'll know what I mean.I didnt have time to show how I did mine had to ship it out. Like cut that piece off the cod and attach it to the ab piece and trust me your suit is already lookin bad arse it'll be the cherry on top:)
Its lookin great bud, just to let ya know the piece attached to the cod is another piece of the side abs, If ya look at how Helagak did his you'll know what I mean.I didnt have time to show how I did mine had to ship it out. Like cut that piece off the cod and attach it to the ab piece and trust me your suit is already lookin bad arse it'll be the cherry on top:)
thanks doc appreciate it i will prob have a few things to" iron "out excuse the pun but i am happy with how its coming on:thumbsup
Hello Peejfro!

Very nice scaling man!
Your build looks very impressive!

Hope to see your progress on the thins and painting soon!

Keep up the good work!

Best regards,
Well you will be glad to know then I am actually quite gealous of how your thighs seem to fit better than mine. I have had a nightmare trying to get them right. Just finished moding one last night and think I need to start over.....again!....wish I knew what I know now because I can't be bothered doing a 3rd scaling. If I do though it will be perfect. Was wondering, do you have enough room for your hip pod?
think maybe gonna have to do some modding for it, i made the cod unit a wee bit on the large side, i have some thicker mats i was gonna use for the pod and use it as a strengthener between cod and thigh dunno tho its a tricky bit eh?
had a go at the unibeam, needs some more work oh and p.s dont try to use kitchen foil instead of aluminium tape for inside the light box coz it does not work that is for sure :$.
think maybe gonna have to do some modding for it, i made the cod unit a wee bit on the large side, i have some thicker mats i was gonna use for the pod and use it as a strengthener between cod and thigh dunno tho its a tricky bit eh?

Its not so much a tricky bit but if you look at reference images there is a gap between the thigh and cod to allow for the pod to have room. This is why my thighs have given me a bit of bother because if you scale the thighs to be wide enough you lose that gap as they become to long. Once I have customised mine a bit I will scratch build the bit that goes inbetween.
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