My custom built Wolverine Claws


Well-Known Member
These are some photos of my Wolverine Claws. They are built from what i was told was a sheet of fiberglass, and wood and wire. Carved, Shaped, Sanded, and Painted. I sold quite a few around Halloween and a few too comic stores. I'm thinking about coating the hand grip in PlastiDip to make it look more professional. I just thought I would see what great minds at RPF thought about them and if anybody had any recommendations on how to make them better.



Excellent job. They look like machined metal. :thumbsup

If you don't mind saying, what color/brand of paint did you use?
What paint did you use?
Best regards
I used a silver metallic spray paint bought form art supply store. It gives it a great metal look. I've made them with a clear coat finish as well, which protects it but it kind of takes away some of the shine.
Pokey PM Sent
If anybody is interested in a set let me know..... I'm also considering trades :)
Cool pieces and yes, they sure have a nice metallic look to them. I dare say that the clear coat dulled down the silver to make it look more like brushed steel. What brand and color name was used?
Cool pieces and yes, they sure have a nice metallic look to them. I dare say that the clear coat dulled down the silver to make it look more like brushed steel. What brand and color name was used?

The paint is made by Testors spray enamel Metallic silver. It takes awhile for the paint to dry properly but its worth the wait.
Ah... Testors. The world's best paint, imo. Sadly isn't available where I live. Their flat black is the best flat black without any sheen at all I have ever experienced. They say Model Masters is the same, but it really isn't.

Sorry for the OT.

Definitely nice claws and thanks for the info.
I have a buddy of mine working on a full muscle suit Wolverine costume using a set of my claws i'll post some photos when it is complete.
If you feel you can sell more of them, I would certainly suggest upgrading the handle to something nicer - but they really do look great, I may have to get a set sometime down the road...