My BSG Cubit display


Well-Known Member
I just got these from Ericon over on the colonial fleet.They are very nice and of heavy weight they come with their own display case with the phoenix inside. However i made my own display for mine because i got his limited edition tauron cubit to which is made out of copper ( the other two are made from gold and silver) The thing i like about my display is that you can see both sides of the cubit, check this out.


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I'm here as well. :lol

I like your cubit display! Great thinking displaying both sides.

Thanks -you make one hell of a cubit these are very nice.So nice that i didn't want to hide either side and came up with this display.
I worked on mine today as well. Hollowing out gatorboard take too long though.

Nice, i was looking into doing something like that but than i wanted to display the back of the cubit to so i can up with the idea that i used.