my 2nd proton pack finished!


Well-Known Member
hey all, just thought i'd share this quick snap shot of my 2nd proton pack i have built. it's based on the GB2 packs since my 1st pack was GB1 based. I decided to take the cyclotron and bumper from my 1st pack as thay were more accurate that the ones i purchased for this build and i would rather have 1 accurate pack than 2 semi-accurate ones :)

anyway, here is the quick snap i took. more pics to follow....

Sweet pack! 'Hope I'm not opening a can of worms with this question, but what are the differences between the GB1 and 2 packs?

subtle differences. The ribbon cable is different. (I don't think anyone has actually found the real ribbon cable for a gb1 pack yet.) The gun is mounted at an angle on the gb2 pack - but it's straight up and down for the gb1 pack. The crank knob on the top is a different color....hmm..sadly off the top of my head that's all I can remember.
subtle differences. The ribbon cable is different. (I don't think anyone has actually found the real ribbon cable for a gb1 pack yet.) The gun is mounted at an angle on the gb2 pack - but it's straight up and down for the gb1 pack. The crank knob on the top is a different color....hmm..sadly off the top of my head that's all I can remember.

yup the big differences are the ribbon cable being different, crank knob is black on gb2 packs, the gun rests at an angle and then there are lots of tiny differences such as the resistors on the ion arm being slightly different, the shock mount has a bolt through it from the outside, the alice frame is a newer genertion and the gun uses slightly different bonjo tips.