my 12 inch POF Admiral Ackbar stop motion puppet

Trap Joe

Sr Member
Again thank you for all the many mails :)
Today I start another tread about another stop motion figure I made for Powerplay Of Forces: Admiral Ackbar.
I made him very early in 1989 at the age of 15 - two years before Michael and me met us and decided to make POF. Admiral Ackbar has been part of my several smaller Star Wars stop motion puppet short movies, I made for practising purpose. I sculpted the head out of FIMO without a jaw and added some wire rigs for the mouth. Then put a thin layer of Silicone all over it, and covered the whole head with it. I did thin skin layers over the jaw as well. So the jaw became quite flexible and was capable to do mouth expressions. I sculpted with silicone so to speak. This was the second silicone experience in my life.
Here you see some neutral shots of my old veteran:

And here you see some shots of him during the making of POF:

As usual I show you the beginning of the figure as well.
There has not been to much of an evolution procress, I only remade the body to a more defined and more flexible body for POF. These are the only pics I found: The second image was part of a picture story I made for the European Star Wars fan Club magazine (today OSWFC) back 1990. The Story was called "A NEW HOPE FOR A NEW FILM". That image also shows the original Ackbar figure next to my second generation of Sandtroopers, which I overworked completely for POF. Same with the rebel troopers.

I find it funny sometimes when I look at the several stages of my figures, and how simple I was satisfied when I was a child. These results could never work for me today. But I´m happy I made it WHEN I WAS A CHILD - to play with!

If you want to know more: here´s a link to our movie storybook:
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