Museum Replicas officially licensed replicas - Mjolnir and a Cap America shield!

maybe I should talk with MR with my shield design and such? They usually can do better than this... any idea on their price range for their shield?
maybe I should talk with MR with my shield design and such? They usually can do better than this... any idea on their price range for their shield?

One of the guys from the sideshow freaks board that I showed this too said they should have contacted you to make it after I showed them your shield

As of now, it's the only replica captain America shield out there that's worth getting and has quality and actually looks like the shield

I think people had high expectations of MR
I am not sure where all of these high hopes are coming from...

Look at the track record.

Dare I say ironman helmets...

Even the arc reactor...although reasonably priced...was very very inaccurate.

And the last Cap shield was shipping with dents and paint runs.

I think everyone needs to remember...they are running a business. To make a product that hits the average price point you might not be getting the quality/accuracy members here are looking for. That said...perhaps hot toys or some of the other vendors that sideshow deals with should lend a hand with their business model. They seem to be able to get it right on average.

I saw them in person yesterday and loved the glitter paint as
I agree that Museum Replicas leaves a lot to be desired, but when it came to the first Ironman movie, I feel they knocked the Arc Reactor out of the park with a reasonable price mark. Being the pessimist that I am, I have a feeling that at least one of the two pieces will do really well.

...or maybe i'm just getting soft in my old age. :lol

I hope so as well- really like the painted round shield from the movie!
Maybe they had to rush some prototypes in time for the con? I hope thats the case because those prototypes look absolutely terrible! If that's what the final products will look like, I will be buying from the independent least there, even without the "luxury" of a licence, we can be assured of a higher quality product that is more screen accurate.
My guess is that these are rushed prototypes.

MR is hit or miss on many items though. They nailed the kingdom of heaven line, granted swords are something they should be getting right, but they've also done some other items really well, and others... not so much.

Again, the price on this shield needs to be known before we say too much. If they're selling it for only $150 dollars.. then it's not bad... if it's $350.. then it's real bad...
Still could be just a rush job for the con...but it is an embarassing representation of a potential product. They should really comment on this.
Just look at the paint job on the shield - it is utterly terrible! The movie shield has a very clean and refined look to it.
The MR version looks like it was painted by an ameture.
I can't believe they would think about asking for $300+ for that piece of glittery @$#%!!

To be honest, both props look like they are made out of plastic. The only saving grace would have been MR targetting the $69.95 price bracket.
If they're asking mid $300.. then that's gotta be a rushed prototype. But I agree, they need to explain and say something about it. If anyone is there, please ask them.
I've been looking at that shield and it's just terrible

If you look at the MR one though, you can see it's very different from that one on eBay

The one on eBay is layered and just looks horrible

That cap helmet thats floating about is nice though! Cheap as well

OMG! I don't know what they were thinking or even if there has been a recent update to this, but I will buy a handcrafted version by an artist on here before that. The shield looks so small an glittery and the handle on the hammer looks so cheap! I hope someone has an update to this or if they have scrapped this, because I haven't heard anything about this in awhile.
I spoke with them at dragocon, and that was definitely a quick prototype, and they've been working on paint and such, and the aluminum sections like crazy. I'm pretty sure the actual version will look better.
I spoke with them at dragocon, and that was definitely a quick prototype, and they've been working on paint and such, and the aluminum sections like crazy. I'm pretty sure the actual version will look better.

that's definitely great news. until then, I'm hoping you decide to do a 3rd run because at least I know the quality I'll get with yours:thumbsup
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