Munson, Mythbusters, Mirth, Mayhem, and a robot named R2.


Master Member
I was very sad to have missed CIV entirely, but a nasty back problem had me bedridden for almost three weeks straight! Aside from gaining a ton of weight while just sitting there, I didn't get anything done on R2.

But that's all changin', baby!!!!

I went up to san francisco on the weekend to pick up the remaining parts, so I now have in my possession everything that I need to finish him. That's a relief. Here's me and the lovely lady right outside the Golden Gate Bridge. We walked across the whole thing! Not pictured, but we also went to Alcatraz, and saw that one weird dome thingie that was in The Rock, and a million other movies.


Natch, I had to stop by and hassle our man asavage and talk trash about our latest projects.


But then it was back to the fun, and the painting begun. Here's the latest pics of the legs and the torso, all freshly coated with 2 layers of DuPonts finest...


Coolest of all, Lori spotted one of the R2 mailboxes just down the street from the Fishermans Wharf in San Fran. She's a keeper! Please disregard my hair. It was a windy day, I swear!!!

But for now, I'm safe and sound back in Orange County, livin la vida loca.

of course, you can read all about it at my website. Here's the link...
Great to see that you are back on your feet. I was beginning to get a little worried since the R2 blog had not been updated and you were in none of the pics from C4.

You gained weight? If you stood sideways with your tongue out, you'd look like a zipper! :lol

You're girlfriend is cute and Mr.Savage looks a lot different than on his show.

Good score on the R2 parts!!

Great to see that you are back on your feet. I was beginning to get a little worried since the R2 blog had not been updated and you were in none of the pics from C4.


Yeah, it was a total bummer. I was REALLY looking forward to CIV, especially considering it's right in my back yard. Would have been great to see all the folks from out of town. Oh well, there's always next year!!! And by then, I'm sure R2 will be finished.

Still, I have to say, I have nothing but newfound sympathy for anyone with chronic back pain. There were days when I would just wonder what would happen if it never went away. I mean, it was a total strain just to get up once or twice a day to scramble my way to the bathroom. I cannot imagine what it would be like to feel that way all the time.
Yes, it is extremely annoying to have a serious back injury and have it never get completely healed. Some days I have a hard time walking or even standing up straight.
Glad to hear you're back on your feet Matt. I occasionally deal with the back pain myself. Not fun at all!

I love following your progress on your site. Keep up the great work!
what ever happened to Where in the world is MATT MUNSON??? Mattyboy---get your stuff packed and get over to celebration europe....

you got plenty of time to grab a flight and a hotel!!!

the legend must continue
what ever happened to Where in the world is MATT MUNSON??? Mattyboy---get your stuff packed and get over to celebration europe....

you got plenty of time to grab a flight and a hotel!!!

the legend must continue

Funny you should say that. I'll be in london this sunday. Where is this celebration Europe you speak of??

wait, found the webiste.

Oddly enough, I MIGHT be able to make it. I plan on being in italy at the end of july, and could probably swing a stop in London for a day. I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads up.
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Matt, looks like you had a great time!

Waitamin... !!

Don't let this "Matt" feller fool you guys, it's really (gasp!)...


Jack Nicholson! :lol

Glad you and the Lady enjoyed yourself Matt :)

I'd give my left favorite testicle to be able to travel half as much as you get to....:cry
Hearing that you were laid up makes me sorry we were trashing you so thoroughly in the R2 builders room... Until I see the pics of your hot GF and hear of your worldly travels.
Now I think we didn't trash you hard enough!

I hope you can make it to CE, should be fun!
We did actually miss you at CIV, but there's always CV!
We did actually miss you at CIV, but there's always CV!

Aw man! Group hug!!! I assure you, nobody was more sad than I for not attending. However, Daniel Deutsch was more than happy to relentlessly rib me for not attending during a recent conversation, so I'm feeling the sting of not showing up in a number of ways :)

I've heard reports from a few NON R2 building friends that did make it to CIV that the R2 room was just amazing. From the pics I've seen, it certainly looks it. Great work guys!

In other news, I did more painting today. I updated the blog this morning after putting a coat or two on the legs and some foot parts.
Hearing that you were laid up makes me sorry we were trashing you so thoroughly in the R2 builders room... Until I see the pics of your hot GF and hear of your worldly travels.
Now I think we didn't trash you hard enough!

And believe me, you wouldn't be the first to be trashing me in my absence. Or presence, for that matter :)
How did you hurt your back initially Munson?
Probably lifting his R2! :lol

Seriously though I thought I missed the great Matt Munson while hanging out in the droid room. I guess not. Cool you got to hang with Adam in SF. Those guys have my dream job. (well most of the time, I could do without rotting pigs etc.)
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