MR TOS Touch up color?!


Active Member
Hi all ... I've done a search for this but I am very new here so I'll just ask: does anyone know the color(s) of the MR TOS Enterprise hull?! I have a couple of nicks that I'd like to touch up!!! THANKS so much! Best, JDV
Hi all ... I've done a search for this but I am very new here so I'll just ask: does anyone know the color(s) of the MR TOS Enterprise hull?! I have a couple of nicks that I'd like to touch up!!! THANKS so much! Best, JDV

The easiest would be by starting with a flat white and add a bit of grey or beige until close match,
paint small samples as you go and let dry, paint changes shade when it dries, you will never get a off the shelf perfect match. I just did a color match on a mannequin head that needed major modification and got it very very close. Or just buy a few white color bottle paints and check which is closest, like testors, Humbrol, tamiya, Model master ect... every manufactuer as a different shade and you might get
very close with one.

I converted an MR E to the Pilot version for a customer last year. He said he was going to post a review with lots of pics, but he never did :confused

There is no beige or white needed in the color.

I started with model master grey (I forget which one...maybe light ghost gray) and added medium flat GREEN and a few drops of black until I got a perfect match. I don't have the formula anymore, sorry.

I test sprayed an area on the underside to verify the match. It was exact. So GREEN is the key.

REMEMBER...clear costing afterwards can darken the color by as much as 20%, but if you are just doing spot-repairs, you should be fine.

I always thought the enterprise was a off white, it shows I'm not a Star Trek fan

If anyone does match the color to the E it would be great if they would post the exact formula. I'm sure down the road this information will come in handy.
If anyone does match the color to the E it would be great if they would post the exact formula. I'm sure down the road this information will come in handy.

I'm surprised nobody's done it by now--after several years.

There's clearly a wane in the MR Ent interest. I do realize the thing was released 3-4 years ago. I've been spending much time reading through the myriad of posts on this beastie that were flying back and forth back then. it used to be a hot ticket on these forums. I just came in possession of one only recently via the eBay, so I'm dealing with a lot of these issues now... with not as much support these days. :unsure
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