:confused Why on earth would anyone do that with a StarCorp when the plain white is available? I'm not the least bit surprised to see an modded MR Clone Bucket. I'm more surprised that it's taken this long for one to show up. I just don't understand why they would use a StarCorp. I'm stymied.
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Can anyone ID the chromed Stormie bucket?
I love it, much better paint job then the original. Besides, the Star Corps was currently available, the plain white one is not. At TDH, Goro himself said that the original paint job was pretty bad, that's why he decided to repaint it. I guarentee if he put that on ebay it would fetch a much higher price than any unmodified MR clone helmets.
I just saw that on TDH. His reasoning was his Star Corps had a really bad paint job on it so he decided to repaint it. I thought the same thing too until he posted up why.
I think that looks sweet. Don't mind the black so much, but with silver and red... the blue is what throws me.. looks alittle out of place. But still very nice looking.
Goro does awesome work (GL in Carbonite comes to mind.). :lol
I probably would've gone with something other than blue, and probably a chromed/silver visor instead of the red one, but I like monochromatic paintjobs.
Still, great job, nonetheless. :thumbsup :thumbsup