MR Snowspeeder artical

Lynn TXP 0369

Sr Member
I just got back from Barnes & Noble, the new issue of the Tamiya magazine #123 with the MR Snowspeeder is in it now out.
I was waiting for it since the last issue #122 with the great artical on the MR AT-AT.

It is a pretty good artical with LOTS of pics.

I didn't put this in the SS forum since it is not a true SS model.

Originally posted by Lynn TXP 0369@Feb 5 2006, 02:52 AM
I just got back from Barnes & Noble, the new issue of the Tamiya magazine #123 with the MR Snowspeeder is in it now out.
I was waiting for it since the last issue #122 with the great artical on the MR AT-AT.

It is a pretty good artical with LOTS of pics.

I didn't put this in the SS forum since it is not a true SS model.

Wow i had that mag last month lynn, i guess you guys get em a month back from us in the U.K.

Yes they are wonderful pics and made me question whether to quit my own scratchbuild and give in to the ease of buying one, but alas its costly and like you said not studio scale, baffles me why they didnt go all out on it really, if it was SS id have snapped one up months ago.
Yeah, it comes out a month after you guys get it it seems.
It is a good mag. Is there anyway to get back issues?? I forgot to pick up the issue with the Boba Fett Slave1 artical in it.

Originally posted by tylerdurden_soap_maker@Feb 7 2006, 07:53 PM
Cool magazine, but what is up with this misspelling- yikes.

just checked the printed version and they must have caught it before going to press
They've had some editting problems since they went monthly. That, along with the release of the airplane-focused magazine, probably has their staff pretty swamped. The articles are still good though. :)
