MR FX maul saber


Sr Member
I saw Ray park dueling with one and it looked pretty badass.. WHat does everyone think about it>>> I have been told that the coupler is flemsy in the middle
The coupler is rock solid on mine and it rocks....

<div class='quotetop'>(Bowelrock @ Sep 23 2006, 09:35 PM) [snapback]1325187[/snapback]</div>
I saw Ray park dueling with one and it looked pretty badass.. WHat does everyone think about it>>> I have been told that the coupler is flemsy in the middle
Its a great combination saber. Really long, you have to dual outdoors or in a large spaced area. The polycarbon blade is stronger than previous versions. Great except in dualing hard with other older sabers, it is easy to break them. My son and I have gone through two recently with me using the Maul FX. That sucks, something to be aware of. The middle couple has a bolt that allows you to manually line up the buttons. You will need to do so then tighten it hard to avoid any wobbling between the two sections. It is quite cool to wield, I did not think I would like to dual with the two blade system but it actually is pretty simple and harder for the person with a single blade saber. It does allow for much faster saber battle movements and hits which will impress others watching. Cars stop to watch Micheal and I dual in the front yard at night. On Halloween, we always draw crowds doing duels in the front yard. The MaulFX should really catch the eyes of many this year. I just hope we don't go through too many more older FX blades doing so.
The coupler on mine feels like it wouldn't break unless you hit it with a sledgehammer. My only complaint is the generic lightsaber sound, not the Maul one.
Were it the best place to buy one for the best price I am in the market

What is the outer diamiter?? I hope it isn't 1 1/2
Might I suggest you check out Ultra Sabers...

The Ultra FX sabers are FX sabers that have been retrofitted with a 3 or 5 watt Luxeon LED in the hilt that illuminates a hollow polycarbonate tube. These sabers are "battle ready" and are rock solid.

I bought 4 Maul and 4 Vader sabers for the Jedi Training Academy show at Disneyland and they are awesome.

Money well spent as far as I'm concerned. :thumbsup

As far as great price, fast shipping and dependable customer service I would suggest getting it from KM Collectibles.
Jedi Bailinkski has never given me anything but a great experiance, plus he is a board member here. :D
Ah, a non-FX Maul replica, you mean?

Not got one.
Can do pics of the hilt no bother though. Lemme charge the cam.
Can someone describe the quality of the hilt? I'd love to have a static BD Maul, but...are the greeblies seperate or part of the cast? Are the details sharp? Is the hilt just gray painted? I know it's DARN close to the right size, but would this look horribly shoddy displayed next to my MR LEs?
<div class='quotetop'>(cayman shen @ Sep 27 2006, 07:56 AM) [snapback]1327335[/snapback]</div>
Can someone describe the quality of the hilt? I'd love to have a static BD Maul, but...are the greeblies seperate or part of the cast? Are the details sharp? Is the hilt just gray painted? I know it's DARN close to the right size, but would this look horribly shoddy displayed next to my MR LEs?

The hilt isn't painted. Its made from machined aluminum. At least it feels like machined aluminum to me. Guess it could be cast. The knobs and other details seem to have been added on and then permanently fixed to the hilt. Plus, the red knob closest to the emitter is the on/off switch. It turns instead of slides to power the saber on. I think this F/X hilt is definitely on par with MR's LE sabers.

I'll try and take some pics of mine this weekend if no one else has posted any by then.
Si - Got it 2nd hand from a dude on here :)
Why d'yer ask? Looking for a good deal? have 'em quite cheap just now.
I want a BD Maul, I just want to go with the most economical solution. There's a level of crappiness that I can't have, but if it's the difference between an amazing 300 dollar custom machined version plus the price of greeblies, or a pretty nice one for 75 bucks at Best Buy, I may be willing to settle for pretty nice.

Maybe I'll have to look into some stores' return policies and see if I can inspect one :) Again, I really just want a hilt, and some of these show up cheap from time to time...thanks for chiming in.