MPC Millennium Falcon Conversion

I added the styrene struts and tank skirt replacement parts to the right hand mandible


Glued in the sidewall to the left side mandible


Built the mandible inner wall



Just seeing how it's shaping up; not too bad so far, not sure how I'm going to reduce the hole size though :unsure


And to think I offered you parts and looks like you are managing with what you have and what other people are providing, I am coming short due yo not going near my falcon, till I actualy start it I dont know what parts I wil/might use.

Try making new holes in sheet styrene, then glue to bottom of existing hole obviously make the part bigger so you can glue to underside, when dry or dry enough, glue styrene cut full size of original hole into the original part from top.when dry flipnover so you see your new hole and scribe/cut out that hole into the blank styrene in the kit part.file and sand!
I think the MPC Falcon looks great with some work and care, and you're doing a fine job. And kudos for building up the greeblies yourself :thumbsup

Instead of constantly priming to check progress, try taking a picture and view it in black and white, this should reduce the distraction of the different colored bits.


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I think the MPC Falcon looks great with some work and care, and you're doing a fine job. And kudos for building up the greeblies yourself :thumbsup

Instead of constantly priming to check progress, try taking a picture and view it in black and white, this should reduce the distraction of the different colored bits.

Ah!! Thank you wow, these things just slap you in the face with their obviousness as soon as someone points them out! I'll definitely be doing that from now on, should save me some paint too.
Wow! You've sure taken this old beast to a whole new level. The amount of work you've put in is staggering... and exactly the reason why I couldn't commit to trying to accurize my old MPC kit.

Wow! You've sure taken this old beast to a whole new level. The amount of work you've put in is staggering... and exactly the reason why I couldn't commit to trying to accurize my old MPC kit.


I agree, the work is fantastic, and as we have seen you've reconsidered your previous decisions and improved on them, she's gonna be a showpiece
Started fiddling with the jawbox, in the end I gave up and chopped it off. I'll build it up from scratch instead, gives me some more control over it at least





The new styrene sheet IS angled, it goes from 53mm down to 43mm but it's not very apparent in these photos. It's 160mm long, and will be slightly longer once the angled plates are all added in.

This coming week I'm going to try and start a metal frame structure for this all to sit on, it's all very flimsy at the moment.
So your just doing it by eye and guesstimate with no blueprint?

Haha yeah, which is why I went through through 3 versions before I finally came up with this





It's 52mm at the top, sloping down to 40mm at the front. I spent the entire day poring over photos of the 32" model, the FM, Jaitea's MPC, and the 5'.
Just did a quick measurement of my adjusted jaw.....the top raised part starts off at 56mm sloping down to 40


Yours looks spot on

Hmmm well mine is pretty darn close for an eyeball job at least. I'm only a couple of mm out in each direction...I think I'll leave it though, I'm not going to start fussing about 2mm here and there

No thats not what I mean, you're measurements came in as almost the same as mine!...nice 1

Are you going to try and use the original part for detailing?

No thats not what I mean, you're measurements came in as almost the same as mine!...nice 1

Are you going to try and use the original part for detailing?


Probably not, I've been looking at 32" scratchbuilds and seeing how they did theirs, I'm fairly certain I can pull off a completely scratched jawbox
Starting detailing the jawbox; cut out a hole for the vent casting and mounted it underneath. It's too far forward, and I'm not bothered about it right now but knowing me I'll go back and redo it all later



Starting detailing with 0.5mm metal wire


In comparison to the MPC part; probably the darn finest piece of scratch building I ever did dooo

Primed up the jawbox



Needs a little more detail on, but I'm pleased as punch with it.

I also scored a fantastic set of parts today; the model store I go to has 4 big plastic boxes full of old, damaged, returned, imcomplete etc kits and resin casts. I spent a while looking through them and came out with a great bunch of bits.


Some of the detailed resin bits


Started on the open panels



Pretty snazzy I'd say
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