Movie prop you wish were real?

TARDIS, or Starship (Ent-C) Both are crammed with tech and can take you to fantastic places.

Mind you, a Time Lord life-span would be cool, too.
I want a real Bumble Bee. A nice car that turns into a giant ass kicking robot. I wonder how road ragers would handle that?
Voyagers Omni
DeLorean time machine
The Intersect from "Chuck" along with the Intersect sunglasses and Governor watch
communicator watch
warp drive

And lots of others that I can't quite think of right now.
What about hover boards that actually hover instead of one with the claim "glides over most surfaces"?
Or NIKE MAGs that actually have power laces?
Rehydraters would be neat.
Pespi that takes like coke so it is actually "perfect" :$

I was surprised it took 20 posts for someone to say hover board! That's my vote...or the time machine of course!!!
How about Syndrome's zero-point energy gauntlets from 'The Incredibles'?

{Just threw that out there since no one had.

Truthfully, I'd be on the list for a radioactive spider & webshooters - in terms of things I wish were real.

However, I think "The Onion" sums up the real life effects of a radioactive spider bite a bit too well for me to think that would ever be a real possibility...can't find the article but "BOY BITTEN BY RADIOACTIVE SPIDER DIES OF LEUKEMIA" is the headline. :) }
Science/Medical Tricorder. From the Voyager series onward.

Being able to help people medically by detecting medical problems early. That's something every person should have!
Holodeck which has the latest tech; not just forcefields, but the kind with replicators and a big database as well. Imagine your whole living room or house is a holodeck, you won't even have to leave. Everything would be provided for you; replicated food and stuff. Heck, you could make anything and sell 'em to people.

A transporter would come in handy as well if you wanted to leave the confines of the holodeck and do some real exploring.
Light saber.

(I know a zillion people have already said it, but it's my personal go-to for a prop I wish was real. Have wished it was real since 1977.)
So many that have been named! :lol
If only we could add game props, there'd be so many really good choices! :behave

Teleporter would be pretty nice to have. No need to drive to work, and I could work anywhere, and not have to move.

To pull from the more obscure realm of movies...a Guyver Unit. Not necessarily like in the movies, and more towards the anime/manga, but definitely with more of the movie coloring. While as far of a range for easy travel, a 1.5 hr one way commute would be like 30 minutes tops. No getting up super early! :lol

AT-AT would be great! So long as no snowspeeders were involved...
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