Well-Known Member
This is my favorite board to go on, hands down! I'm on here all the time, and I love the work, but I never post. So I know there's some people here that love this sword probably as much as I do...ever since I was a little kid, I've imagined holding this baby in my hands...but I just haven't gotten there...yet. This is definitely a step in the right direction!!
This is actually my cousin's work, and he happens to be bada$$ at creating awesome stuff in 3D. So I've been begging with him recently to work the sword up and he far exceeded my expectations and got me EXTREMELY excited!! So anyways, check it out, I hope you like it and click on http://www.stuartkrempin.com/ for some more pix!! Thanks all!!
This is actually my cousin's work, and he happens to be bada$$ at creating awesome stuff in 3D. So I've been begging with him recently to work the sword up and he far exceeded my expectations and got me EXTREMELY excited!! So anyways, check it out, I hope you like it and click on http://www.stuartkrempin.com/ for some more pix!! Thanks all!!