Mordred Armour


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I am relatively new to this forum. I am writing from Canada. I am just wondering if any of the talented people on this forum have built or reproduced the Mordred armour from "Excalibur". I know that Terry English made the original. I am just seeing if anyone has built a cheaper alternative. Thank you,
Hmm. I'm assuming you're referring to the golden armor? I haven't seen anyone execute this one yet. Which isn't to say that they haven't. The armor doesn't look terribly difficult to execute. The "Cherub" helm is probably the hardest part, and that could be easliy done in fiberglass. The rest could feasibly be done in leather or felt and painted to look like metal. The breastplate itself looks fairly generic, so could be an easy purchase.
tobinslake. That's the place I meant to post earlier but couldn't find the link. They have a crapload of basic styrene armor for dirt cheap. Only drawback is that its paper thin. I've had luck with reinforcing it with both fiberglass and with felt soaked in sculpt or coat.
I've gotten a suit of armor from Tobins's ok for the price.. I didn't get directions with it though, and had a time putting it together, but it turned out ok..It was for a haunt & it went through a season of being worn, but we've retired it to a mannequin since to prevent further damage...I've always liked the Excalibur armor.., but then again. I like SHINY things..:)
Thanks for the help guys. I will look at Tobin's. For anyone that's interested I found Terry English's site

I think he may be a bit pricier than Tobin's but could be an option for anyone looking for armour.
I anyone is interested in this, I have found a maker who worked with Terry English. It is very costly though....PM me if interested.....Apparently only one of these suits has ever been made....