Moishe - Where the Wild Things Are


New Member
Sometimes, I really amuse myself. Decided to make a Wild Thing costume.

Needless to say, I am very amused with myself.

First photo is the size reference, with the roughed out head...

Second photo is covered in the fur fabrics with the eye lenses in place....

Need to airbrush in the brown shading on the face fur, add in the forehead hair line, and attach the nose piece. Paint the iris onto the eyes and place on the eye lids. Attach the teeth and jaw separation.

OK so maybe I'm closer to 60% done... but the major construction is there.


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Haha.... Yes you can see through them. Its about like wearing any other mascot costume though. Visibilty is limited, and you scare dogs.

Heres the kicker. Think Cheap Aviators. Pop the lenses... mask off the pupil, spray white, spray yellowish iris.... Bam... mascot eye.

Used 2" Foam pads, cut the 9 silhouettes, cored out the center for my rough head shape. 3M- Spray Adhesive the layers together, then shaved the rough semi-spherical shape. High speed sander to smooth-ish the appearance which doesn't need to be perfect, the fur cover takes care of that. Cut out the eyes, and glued on the face fur. Then the Hair fur. Making a "Hair piece" for the head to lengthen and shag out the "hair" fur. Smooth-On Foam-it for the horns.

Been toying with the idea of a movable mouth... but for the release, will probably just stick with the closed mouth look.

All in all... the head weighs maybe 5-6 pounds... its not bad at all...