Modern Warefare 2 mini movie, a watchable one we did


Master Member
Not sure how many here are into gaming but to watch this you dont really need to be. Part 1 was done partially here in LA and the rest in Chicago but part 2 was all here in LA. We did this, quite literally, with no money between a group of friends. I did the art direction, props and some on set special effects but the amount of CGI is staggering and pretty well done. Blade fans may recognize one of the actors who is playing Ghost. Sort of ironic that he kills himself as another character he plays in part 2.

part 2 just came out this morning and its already over 145,000 hits

part 1 has been out for some time and its at over 240,000 hits, but the kicker is, it was removed from youtube at one point when it went over 1 million hits!

In part 2, fans of the game may want to watch the 6 minute mark a few times for a giggle and the 6:45 mark for a cool transition that took some tinkering on the fly to make happen.
The 3rd person to the rifle scope transition was all Niko and Sam the directors and work in post to blend the two shots. If memory serves, it was a spurt of the moment idea that nobody was sure would work.

Daz (Ghost) was actually in the Special Forces for some time if I recall.
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