Michael Myers coveralls

Magic Man

Well-Known Member
Is it charcoal or navy? I've seen pictures that support both. It looks more charcoal in the first movie to me. But then I've seen fan costumes that were navy and they don't look quite right. Anyone know definitively?
LOL. This question and the ensuing answers ie debates will get you lynched at the Michaelmyers.net board. My personal opinion is whatever you think it looked like in the film go with it. There have been many films with mikey and he has worn both colors so either one works and is consdered accurate.

Originally posted by Magic Man@Mar 11 2006, 12:31 PM
Really? Wow.  Never would've thought that.  Thanks.
I've always thought that the charcoal looked right to me. The navy never looked right, always looked off. The spruce green is almost a charcoal color so it is probably playing games with my eyes.

I think I'll go with charcoal.
Originally posted by creamedgeezer@Mar 12 2006, 06:53 AM
I'm a spruce green supporter, myself. (for H1, anyway)

I went for Navy and it doesn't look right, if I had another chance i'd go with Spruce for definite.

Though it is a film still, this image makes a compelling argument for spruce green.

A few years ago, I bought a used set (pair?) of navy coveralls at a thrift shop for $15.00. It's amazing to me that costume shops try to sell "official" ones of much lower-grade material for $40.00.
Spruce green...no if, ands, or buts about it. Not only are there stills out there, but I've watched 3 different versions on 2 tvs, and if you've got good eyes and a properly calibrated tv, then there's no question. If you're going for a later film, then go with navy.
A little off topic, but in my opinion... the only Halloween movies that count are the first and second movies. Mikey died in an explosion with Dr. Loomis. End of story. Everything else is pure nonsense. For me, anyway.
Originally posted by Prop-Maker@Mar 14 2006, 12:14 AM
A little off topic, but in my opinion... the only Halloween movies that count are the first and second movies. Mikey died in an explosion with Dr. Loomis. End of story. Everything else is pure nonsense. For me, anyway.

I agree. However the rest are still entertaining. H20 was supposed to happen after Halloween 2 if you pay close attention to H20.
Gotta admit, I haven't seen it in a while. Wasn't too bad. LL Cool J was pretty good, as usual. I like that dude. Anyone know if screen used Michael Meyers costumes are out there?
Has anyone here bought the spruce green coveralls and weathered them? I'm just curious if they look good brand new of If I need to weather them to look more accurate.

-Jason M
There are a considerable number of Myers fans who believe the H1 coveralls to have been Big Macs in olivewood, a color they no longer make. H2s are spruce, reportedly according to Dick Warlock, but I wasn't there when the conversation took place. :)