Metal Gear Solid V: Snake's Biker Jacket

nick daring

Master Member
New trailer just came out and at the very end of the trailer Snake is wearing an awesome leather jacket.




During the technical presentation that went along with the trailer's release they had a cool clothing demonstration that showed off the jacket's construction nicely.





Somebody please make this.
Yeah he really does, the only bummer about this damn game is Hayter isnt voicing him.....BUT I seriously cannot wait for this
After poking around on Ebay a bit, it looks like this style of jacket is a common euro biker jacket design from the 70's called MONZA.

There are a lot of variations on the design depending on the maker.




I haven't found anything exact yet but it's good to know that it's a standard classic style of jacket.
Wait, Hayter isn't voicing him?

As stated in Mr. Kojima's interview with GameTrailers (jeoff Keighley) is that he wanted Snake to have a "new" start. With a new voice actor to lead the way.

It's fine. Big Boss in MGS4 was not voiced by Hayter, but by Richard Doyle, and no one was angry about that. I'm not sure if Richard Doyle is doing the voice now, however.
i can see that jacket being made and going on the Konami-style site for about £2500 lol

great reseach Nick, do we know what the back looks like yet (ive yet to see the trailer with this in)
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