McQuarrie Concept Fett Helmet (Skygunbro)


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone!
I've had some time to work on some props lately. I completed my SGB MQ Concept Fett about a week ago and I've been wanting to share it with you all for some time. He has a thread open in the Junkyard right now, so I figured that it would be the perfect time to show this off. It is an awesome addition to any collection, and I love mine and the way that it turned out :thumbsup.
For my MQ Concept stuff, I wanted to keep them unweathered and clean. Therefore, this helmet was painted with automotive paints and three layers of clear coat. This thing feel like a motorcycle helmet now, and has a very nice weight to it :love.
The first couple of pics are of the helmet alone in natural light, and a few of how I display it for now. No, I don't keep him outside...:lol

All comments welcome...
Wow. Nice job. Very glad I hit SGB up for it. Not sure if I'm gonna do mine in white and display it or paint to match my Mando and wear it trooping.
Wow. Nice job. Very glad I hit SGB up for it. Not sure if I'm gonna do mine in white and display it or paint to match my Mando and wear it trooping.

And THAT would actually be really cool, bro!

Hmmmm, I just thought about painting one up in ESB or ROTJ colors...
Arrrgghh...:wacko I need a second job!!!
beautiful!! you did a really nice job on that one and i agree with jason that the bust looks excellent.
That looks really good. It would be awesome to do a full costume like that and troop in it.