MCL34N's ASM2 WIP (video update 9-9)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Just wanted to show you some work I've done so far on the next Amazing Spidey suit. I've been in Colorado for the last 2 weeks visiting with a sick relative and had some time and a sewing machine, so I figured why not. I started on the mask pattern much the same way I did with the first ASM suit I made. The first pic is the test mask I made to see how the web placement looks. The second is another test, with slightly better spacing this time, and puff paint webs just because. The lenses in these pics are just rough templates, so those will change as well. Still some tweaks to do with the spacing but it's a start! I'll update this thread with progress when I have it.

Oh and sorry scammers, I won't be posting pictures of my mask pattern flat on the ground for you to copy like last time.
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Hope the family is alright MCL34N. Let me know if you need anything out here while you get back.

Even though I'm still torn on this particular suit iteration, I'll be subscribing to this thread of course. I know you'll make wonders with it and I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Hope the family is alright MCL34N. Let me know if you need anything out here while you get back.

Even though I'm still torn on this particular suit iteration, I'll be subscribing to this thread of course. I know you'll make wonders with it and I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Yeah I agree I'm not entirely wild about the design either. That's why once I have the print finished, I plan on making more of a hybrid between the two looks. I think with the classic shaped webbing and overall design, coupled with the honeycomb texture all over, it will look awesome.

Yeah I agree I'm not entirely wild about the design either. That's why once I have the print finished, I plan on making more of a hybrid between the two looks. I think with the classic shaped webbing and overall design, coupled with the honeycomb texture all over, it will look awesome.

If you do a run on that dude im so in for one.


Oh and sorry scammers, I won't be posting pictures of my mask pattern flat on the ground for you to copy like last time.

Good move, man.

Just going by those pictures though you look like you're off to your normal, awesome start.

...and by the looks of it, we both agree on where some of the seams are on the new mask. That makes me feel better about my analysis.

And personally I love the design. It's why I'll be tackling this pattern myself too.

I have no doubt that this will look incredible when it's all done. Keep it up.


Good move, man.

Just going by those pictures though you look like you're off to your normal, awesome start.

...and by the looks of it, we both agree on where some of the seams are on the new mask. That makes me feel better about my analysis.

And personally I love the design. It's why I'll be tackling this pattern myself too.

I have no doubt that this will look incredible when it's all done. Keep it up.


Wait your going to take a crack at it as well :eek i don't think i can handle this much awesomeness!

Looks awesome so far. I'm waiting until we get better pics of the new suit to decide whether I should pursue it as my next costume. Opinions on the new suit aside, I'm sure you'll make this suit just as accurate as your TASM. Subscribed.

WOW that looks sweet man all your work is amazing havent had the money to purchase a print yet but im working on it

awesome work so far man. subscribed for sure. i agree with you about the hybrid. i saw a manip over on superherohype boards with the honey comb texture and it made it look much much better. can't wait to see what you come up with

I can already see how people will start to lose interest in the first TASM suit. Let me just take a moment to remind everyone how cool it still is. Just sayin LOL.
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