Masters of the Universe


Master Member
Oh my...

No matter what they put out, it HAS to be better than the 80's movie with Dolph right?:confused

I just love these quotes!:

"Oh c'mon....Masters of the Universe with Dolph Lundgren was an EPIC...MASTERPIECE!!! There's no way to top it, so they shouldn't even try".

"Dolph Lundgren flying around in spandex shorts killing bad guys with Star Wars ripoff weapons was pure awesomeness..."

"Big, sweaty, hairy dudes in spandax,
if I wanted that I'd watch WWE".
I welcome a reboot/remake of HeMan. While the 80's movie had some decent things about it - the soldiers, the scene where Skeletor goes to Earth in his ship...that's about all I can think of at the moment; the majority of crap makes it pretty unwatchable. For me, the acting is terrible. I can't stand looking at Skeletor's flicking eyes, the stupid looking/acting aliens that Evil Lyn brings to Earth with her, Grildor (or however you spell his name) is terrible and Dolph as the main hero is barely passable. It's like HeMan is some dumb, barely able to speak idiot muscle head. And while I like Courtney Cox, her acting in this movie is so aweful. How she went on to do other things after this "demo" reel POS is beyond me, but I'm glad for her role in Friends!
It was a ridiculous move, making a MOTU flick and basing 80 percent of it in the suburbs to save money... so so lame.

I'd love to see a good fantasy flick on eternia, with battlecat and an awe-inspiring Castle Greyskull, all good vs evil and the such. I hope the magic is more prominent than the tech.
I have been waiting for news on this forever. It's been a thing in limbo for a very long time getting tossed around from studio to studio. This was one of mu favorite childhood cartoons.

With today's technology, riding Battle Cat is highly possible and the rich environments of Eternia could be really amazing.

I hope they do the property justice and make it nothing like the Dolph film. HAH!
There's a WHOLE STORY behind those TOYS. Each character has a history and story.

Though Transformers were TOYS and taking aside the live-action movie, there is a huge storyline of the characters.

Just because they start as toys doesn't mean they lack any depth. If you take a look into He-Man more I think you'll be surprised how much of a storyline there really is behind the characters.
Has anyone seen the newer MOTU cartoon? I picked up the first season for my son not realizing it was the new one. It is really good, I was happily surprised.

Hope this new movie is just as good.
Has anyone seen the newer MOTU cartoon? I picked up the first season for my son not realizing it was the new one. It is really good, I was happily surprised.

Yeah, I liked it quite a bit. One of the better cartoon updates I've seen (and I loved the original when I was a kid)
There's a WHOLE STORY behind those TOYS. Each character has a history and story.

Though Transformers were TOYS and taking aside the live-action movie, there is a huge storyline of the characters.

Just because they start as toys doesn't mean they lack any depth. If you take a look into He-Man more I think you'll be surprised how much of a storyline there really is behind the characters.

Transformers might not have been the best thing to base an argument around, those movies are awful too.
Some things work in comics and cartoons and just don't translate to live action.

No matter how you twist it this movies still gonna have some steroid pumped guy running around in his underpants.
No matter how you twist it this movies still gonna have some steroid pumped guy running around in his underpants.

Like Conan suffered because of that. MOTU has potential to be a great movie series. It just has to be handled properly. It can be done in an Epic LOTR style. It's a fantasy adventure story. It can be done.
Like Conan suffered because of that. MOTU has potential to be a great movie series. It just has to be handled properly. It can be done in an Epic LOTR style. It's a fantasy adventure story. It can be done.

Agreed. And yes, I know Transformers was just a popcorn flick and I enjoyed it, but yeah I know a not-so-great example of toys to film. BUT the background and lore of it is pretty huge.

It's up to these script writers to really make this great. I think it could be a wonderful film with that epic good vs. evil story we'd love to see on a grand scale of He-Man vs. Skeletor battling to save Eternia.

In the case of He-Man they need to be very careful how they handle this. If they decode to go origins on this first film I think it could suffer at the box office. It would be great to have it start right in the middle of the war that has erupted between Skeletor and the Royal Palace of Randor and everything is just a mess. I'd like to see this starting as a crisis in progress and not have it start from the absolute beginning of before Skeletor and the becoming of He-Man. They could fill that in later with backflashes or something. They really need to GRAB this new audience in and make it great. It has VERY high potential to be amazing, yet very high potential to epically fail if the writers don't give it a great storyline and character development.
It was a ridiculous move, making a MOTU flick and basing 80 percent of it in the suburbs to save money...
The suburb in the film is, in reality, my home town--Whittier, California--which is the only reason I went to see the film. My buddy and I knew we were in trouble when we were standing in line and asked an eight-year-old (who was exiting the previous showing with his father) what he thought of it, and he just shrugged and replied, "Ehhh...". :lol
I found this to be a very interesting read. This interview was done in late February with the director of the old MOTU film. He had quite a bit to say about the problems he had with making the film and the requirements the film needed that it sounded like the Director didn't agree with.

Above all the budget they had just wasn't enough at all to create the world of Eternia. It was their hope the sequel would be back on Eternia if the first film succeeded.

Q & A with Director Gary Goddard
Hey, don't knock the Dolphmeister...

English is only, like, his 3rd language or thereabouts, with him speaking several more.
He's got a masters degree in chemical engineering and is an Olympic Karate champ, as well as a writer and director.

I heard he had to learn a fair bit of his MOTU dialogue phonetically, but that part could be apocryphal...

I certainly don't recall cartoon He-Man being much of a charismatic personality, either :lol