Master Replicas ROTS Clone helmet question


Well-Known Member
Im thinking of buying a MR ROTS Clone helmet from someone on the forums and it is complete with stand COA and plaque. But I asked what number the plaque was and he says that it only says “limited to 2500”. Did this helmet come with individual number plaques or only edition size plaques? I did a search and can’t find any info about the plaques. If anyone has one of these helmets please let me know if it should come with a numbered plaque or not.
depends on which helmet, I think only the 501st weathered, star corps, and 212th came with #'ed plaques instead of an edition type
a check of the RS registry shows only a few with # plaques, that would lead me to believe that this one only has edition sizes. (the few #'ed are people who keep the original with defects or got lucky)