Master Replicas EE Obi Wan Ep I shipping when?

Interesting... My credit card has not yet been charged for mine. I'll be keeping an eye on it, since it seems they are starting to ship.

Cannot wait to see it.
Originally posted by TheNuclearHorror@Jan 11 2006, 07:30 AM
I got it as a Xmas gift from Grandma.
Wondered when it was shipping.

Are they really shipping or just preparing to finish processing? I got the email, and checked my order, it says it is processing, and has been for 3 hours, but nothing saying shipped. Either way, we are super close to getting them :love
Originally posted by tripoli@Jan 11 2006, 01:47 PM
Just got the notice mine shipped today. :)

You sure it actually shipped? Do you have tracking info? Many folks are just getting the preship email MR sends saying make sure your credit card and address is correct. I got one of those emails today too, but not any tracking info showing it shipped.
Does anyone know about the EL Obi-Wan ANH or ROTS Saber? This is also something I´d like to know, speaking of the Episode I Obi-Wan.....
Recieved my shipping notice today also.
Quick question for anyone that has ordered the shock trooper directly from their webpage.... When I looked to see if that has changed any I noticed when I clicked on the order to see the details it says....

Shock Troop Helmet EPIII LE (Sold Out..) 1 399.00 Ordered/Preordered $399.00

They just recently added the sold out part to it. Does this mean they are going to D**k me out of it? I would sure hate to think that I waited almost a full year and still didn't get the helmet. Its already bad enough I missed out on the blue one :angry

Didn't know if anyone elses said that or not.
Amy from Master Replicas just said on the Rebel Scum forums that actual shipping for these would be late this week or early next.
Notice said they would be shipping on the 11th. Sometimes it does take time for the sysytem to down load the e-mails for the shipping. So hopefully its accurate. I have gotten the actual tracking e-mail on days were the product arrived. So its a wait and see at this point. Would be cool if it arrived before the weekend. :)
Originally posted by Ricoch3T@Jan 11 2006, 07:07 PM
Recieved my shipping notice today also.
Quick question for anyone that has ordered the shock trooper directly from their webpage.... When I looked to see if that has changed any I noticed when I clicked on the order to see the details it says....

Shock Troop Helmet EPIII LE (Sold Out..) 1 399.00 Ordered/Preordered $399.00

They just recently added the sold out part to it. Does this mean they are going to D**k me out of it? I would sure hate to think that I waited almost a full year and still didn't get the helmet. Its already bad enough I missed out on the blue one  :angry

Didn't know if anyone elses said that or not.

My order also says "Sold Out", so I think that's normal for all of them.

I got the Obi EE e-mail also, but I believe that it will not ship for a few more days, as other posters mentioned.
Good deal. :)
Wish they would space apart some of these things a little more, that way I would be such a hit on the credit card after christmas :confused

Originally posted by elwood49+Jan 11 2006, 07:57 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(elwood49 @ Jan 11 2006, 07:57 PM)</div>
@Jan 11 2006, 07:07 PM
Recieved my shipping notice today also.
Quick question for anyone that has ordered the shock trooper directly from their webpage.... When I looked to see if that has changed any I noticed when I clicked on the order to see the details it says....

Shock Troop Helmet EPIII LE (Sold Out..) 1 399.00 Ordered/Preordered $399.00

They just recently added the sold out part to it. Does this mean they are going to D**k me out of it? I would sure hate to think that I waited almost a full year and still didn't get the helmet. Its already bad enough I missed out on the blue one  :angry

Didn't know if anyone elses said that or not.

My order also says "Sold Out", so I think that's normal for all of them.

I got the Obi EE e-mail also, but I believe that it will not ship for a few more days, as other posters mentioned.