Over the past year, I've been a part of a group IDing hte scratchbuilt ships that Kow Yokoyama made under the "SF3D" banner, back in the early 1980s. The most-loved design has always been the Falke, a one-man antigrav fighter in 1/20th scale. My buddy Futch has mastered and released a kit which, for the first time (even in Japan.) accurately replicates the Falke. I just finished a build, using some of the original parts, and adding a little detail here and there (interior engine bay, engine). It was SUCH a nice change of pace from Star Wars.
Original as seen in Hobby Japan Magazine, 1983:
Kit we sell (I made this replica from the kit):
My build:
Original as seen in Hobby Japan Magazine, 1983:
Kit we sell (I made this replica from the kit):
My build: