Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Looks like they're slipping back into the humorous habit of slapping a SHIELD emblem on everything. - Coulson's black/gray t-shirt (which looked awesome by the way, I'm putting that on my list), Simmons' lab coat, etc. maybe they made too many in Season 1 and need to unload them, haha.

Not complaining, just observing. I do like that there are some SSR emblems around the base, and it was cool to see the little framed Captain America art (postcard?).
Feige let it slip in a recent interview that shield would no longer be around by phase 3. Given Agent Carter is a 8 show special and the direction they are taking with the films, I would think that the show would be a jumping point for a few introductions to the films.

It's hard to say as the show starts in one direction and takes a sudden turn. The wending of last season was Fury's secret bunkers and at the beginning, they are not part of the story at all. The highlight of the advertising was the Coulson mystery carvings and now ZAP, done with that. Seems like they are looking to introduce concepts, Easter eggs and move right along.
I finally watched it tomight. I think the writers didn't know what to do with the carvings and needed to wrap it up before it got bigger than they could handle. Kind of like some of the plot devices in Lost.

Saw it tonight. The mysterious city has to be Attilan adding more credence that Skye is Inhuman. As for her father, the majority believes it is Maximus the Mad and I'm a part of that majority. Karnak possibly being her father is gaining momentum in the rumor mill.
I agree with infymys, it seems like they are setting up the Inhumans, I'm thinking it is Maximus, Karnak has the egg-shaped head and tattoos, Maximus looks normal...
Great episode last night with Agent Carter, I really like how they set up the motivation for Sky's Dad but has Ward become chaotic evil or was the news broadcast a glorious Nick Fury set-up.
This was a standout episode. Great story and acting. Edited tightly. Paced well. Very little fat. Unrelentingly brutal and poignant.

They keep baiting me into thinking that Ward might still somehow (disappointingly) redeem himself with some act of nobility. I'm glad they turn it each time by making him even more irredeemable than ever. e.g. reconciliation with his brother ... doesn't end up throwing him down the well ... but kills him and his family nonetheless.

My favorite of season 2 so far.

I would rather they make episodes of this quality even if it means 12-16 episodes per season instead of 22 episodes.
They keep baiting me into thinking that Ward might still somehow (disappointingly) redeem himself with some act of nobility. I'm glad they turn it each time by making him even more irredeemable than ever. e.g. reconciliation with his brother ... doesn't end up throwing him down the well ... but kills him and his family nonetheless.

Yeah, i was loving the Ward stuff. He's so batsh*t crazy you aren't sure if he's crazy or if everyone else is.

When Skye's dad said, "That's not her name!" again, I was hoping that Coulson would ask him what her name was.
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