Mandalorian costume


Well-Known Member
How much does a mandalorian costume cost with all the armor,the undersuit, helmet, boots ( I dont know what to use for this) , Gloves (I also do not know what to use for this) , jetpack, Patches, belt, Weathered, Painted

I might end up doing a black weathered mando with decals and a black undersuit,belt and boots.

I also need to know who does quality long lasting cheapish stuff for the costume. I saw a dude selling armor thats made of plastic for a few hundred dollars so I hope the real prices don't double that.
Help me out RPFers? :)
My Fenn Shysa costume cost roughly $300 or so but that's only because I scratch-built everything I could and caught some great deals on soft parts on TDH. Had I purchased all the parts, even before painting, it could have easily ran over $1,000. The price varies greatly depending on how you approach the project.



you may find people not answering you much on this one... your best bet is to follow the link below, and read as much as you can... check out the different forums and learn about the different things before asking questions there. and the search feature on that forum is your friend. if you dont use it, you'll be pointed to it. :)
Whenever someone wants to make a Mandalorian, I tell them to budget $1000. If it's cheaper than that, good on ya. More money for weapons. If it costs more, take your time. Save then spend.
Realistically, it all depends on what you wanting to get out of it. If it is for a simple Halloween costume, it can be very cheap. And yes, I have heard Boba and Jango Fett costumes getting up there to close to 3K.

Again, it is all about personal preference and what your intentions are.

I am the 250th Mandalorian Merc approved within the organization. I've probably spent, or will spend close to $800 on my stuff. There has been a lot of trial and error with certain things.

$150 for the helmet
$120 for the armor (on ebay)
$25 for my desert nomex flight gloves
$30 for my desert boots
$40 for my flight suit
$36 for my ammo pouches
$30 for my blaster pistols
$35 for my blaster rifle (plus extras when that airsoft broke)
$100 for plastic for comms pack (which hasn't been made yet)
$100 for materials - first it was a vinyl vest, but then had to go do duck cloth + other various supplies
$40 for leather and other related supplies

$706 And it will continue to grow as I add more things to it. Like was suggested, it is probably best to budget 1K and just adjust from there. But, also, like I said, it really depends on what you are wanting to do with it. Planning on joining a costuming club... is it just for kicks/Halloween? Those are questions you need to answer before you start dropping money on the project.

And that would be said true with any project in this hobby of ours!

Good luck!

- Bill
Its actually for halloween, parties and a little display but I still need it durable for trooping.

If I could, I would make all the hard parts myself but I unfortunately sold all my equipment to another guy cause times were tough back then,
If I could, I would make all the hard parts myself but I unfortunately sold all my equipment to another guy cause times were tough back then,

Check the TDH threads entitled "Trash Can Armor"... very good on the budget and you could knock out at least the major parts (chest, shoulder bells, back plate) with a few days work...

Also, check "Evolution Toys" on eBay; Gabe (the seller) is somewhat active on the TDH boards and has a lot of BF/JF items that are reasonably priced, in your case they would need only a different paint scheme...
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Yeah, you can make all or most of the armor with 5 gallon buckets you can get free by looking around and a heat gun. Just make a template, dremel the shape out, heat and bend to shape. I did that with some predator armor I was making, and it worked great. Very durable. A little krylon fusion paint (which is tougher than hell) and viola.
His stuff isn't bad. The only thing I don't like about his kit is that the cod piece does look kind of funky. But that is just me.

I got my armor from ebay seller "cyanide72".

- Bill
I see this guy called evolutiontoysshop he looks like he has a full boba going on and mayba i was thinking of tweaking it or just getting a Boba
You mentioned using it for Halloween/parties, and also for trooping. Do you plan on trooping with an established group, like the 501st, or with a more informal, relaxed group? That decision will reflect in your pricing, too. The 501st has some pretty strict guidelines for what will and will not be accepted for membership. Just something to consider as you plan out your build.