Making your own Positive Grip Stormtrooper Boots


Well-Known Member
Ok whilst making my new TK costume i wanted to go all out and get as close to screen accurate as possible. This obviously involved getting an old pair of black Chelsea boots and painting or dying them white.

After a little searching and research the closest boots i could find that would be up to the job were these British made boots by Jones the Boot Maker. They are not 100% due to the toe being more rounded than the originals which were more square, but they are really close.





I have seen people use white spray paint and shoe dye and i thought to myself, do these shoe dye kits really work on black boots turning them white? So i thought the only way to find out is to give it a go. Here are my results.

I decided to use this brand of white shoe dye, widely available on the internet. Tarrago Self-Shine Color Dye and preparer. It comes with everything you need, colour dye, preparer, a little brush and a small sponge. And of course instructions.



I followed the instructions to the letter, first using the preparer to remove any shoe polish and dirt and grim. It states to do this use a scourer pad to agitate the surface.


Next up is to mask off the sole of the shoes.


Then following the instructions i started to apply the shoe dye. In the instruction it suggests using the small brush included to dab the colour dye onto the small sponge and work in small circles slowly working around the boot.

At first this did not seem to work very well, the shoe dye just did not want to take to the black leather. This photo is after 2 coats.


Following the instructions i let the dye dry in between coats and carried on adding coat after coat. The shoe dye still did not cover the boots very well. This is after 4 coats, not much change.


In total i used 2 full shoe dye kits and that equates to about 10 - 12 full coats of this dye over the time frame of about a week or so. This is not a quick process. After i used all the dye the elastic in the boots were not totally covered by the white and to be honest neither were the boots. So i used a little white shoe whitener which was slightly better. I also gave the boots a quick going over with this too. Here are the finished results.




Now when i removed the masking tape from the soles of the boots the shoe dye started to peel off with it. It was like a latex covering which was a top layer on the leather rather than actually dying the boots. After all the time and effort i was not so impressed.



Overall i was not that impressed by this particular brand of shoe dye and would not recommend using it, there must be a better product on the market to use to convert black leather Chelsea boots in to Positive Grip Stormtrooper boots. I may yet remove as much of this as i can and try spray paint. They do however look very close to the real deal and some of the dye rubbed off after a 4 hour troop where the armour rubbed and so for accuracy sake they turned out really well.

My boots are the top picture and the original costume boots are the bottom picture.


Those look excellent. The dye could use some work. Not being a leather guy, I dunno what else could work out better. I can see why some folks use paint, probably mostly out of ease and it being less work to get coats on.

There's gotta be better dyes out there.
Try Angelus shoe paint. Its a bit more expensive, especially since you'll need to purchase an acrylic finish to topcoat it all, but it will cover alot better. e sure to get some acetone or stripper and completely remove the previous paint job.
NuLife Shoe Paint. Prepare the surface, spray away. Done. Used it for years. Just used some white to turn green Green Lantern boots white, before I turn them yellow for Cable. One can turned both boots white.

The stuff is excellent, you should have NO problems whatsoever with it. I got mine online.
I sorta did the same with a similar boot I got at Sears several years ago but I went the easy route. Taped them off and used Krylon spray paint. Worked in a pinch and it held off for quite a few troops til I picked up a better pair. Wish I had pix but I gave them to a fellow trooper when they were first getting into trooping. Think it got passed down to several others with only minor touchups required.
Think yours came out pretty good.
pretty sure you can't dye black leather to white, you're going to want to paint. I would suggest you use a finisher no matter what style of paint you go with, but do remove the current dye before trying to paint them. I do like the choice of the shoe though
Seems like it's going to be very hard to get black boots to turn white. Maybe a little more prep work would help? You could do what we used to in the military to our boots to get them ready for redying and polish - scrub them with shaving cream and let them sit for a good long time to let the shaving cream dissolve the old wax and finish. It's really good about getting all the wax and crap off the leather. Maybe that coupled with a good leather paint would work?
Silly as it sounds, try white spray paint. I caught my brother "fresh looking" his Nike tennis shoes when we were kids. It worked great, and held up well, and if they get scuffed up bad, you can quickly touch them up. I know its not the most practical way, sure the dye would be great, it's just hard to do over the black. Good luck, hope it helps.
Did you ever notice how a random drip of bleach permanantly disfigures a piece of clothing, and a splotch of grease makes a mark that will never come out, but when you want to turn something white by soaking it in a bucket of bleach or black by slathering it with grease, it never seems to take?
Thanks for all the tips guys :thumbsup

The main reason i followed the instructions to the T was to see if this shoe dye really works. And the honest answer is not so good as i would like.

I will strip the dye from the boots sometime soon and try another technique to see what else i can come up with :love