Making my Yoda saber, stuck...


Well-Known Member
Hi all, i'm in the process of making a yoda saber. Actually, i WAS in the process of making a yoda saber but got stuck when i realized acquring the remaining parts was a lot harder than i anticipated. I started with a genuine Praco flash, got around to modifying and reversing the collar, found the PEM nut, and then...poof. nothing else. i need an emitter, control box, and grips. i've gotten leads on the emitter as being a lambo wheel, and the control box from a corvette oil pan, but the grips? what are people using for grip material? and is there an agreed upon scale for the wheel and oilpan? i'm hearing 1/16 scale lambo wheel and 1/12 scale 1967 corvette oil pan, are these the generally accepted pieces? any tips would be much appreciated.
For the grips you can use sheets of styrene. Cut out the grip patern and then heat the styrene and form it to your Praco then glue it on.

When Viper was making his yoda sabers, he used blast-tech grips. He removed the "fin" from each grip and carefully sanded it flush. He said it was a time consuming process, but it looked great in the end.

Good luck.

i've heard of people using the sound-dampening material "Dynamat". anyone used it or know of anyone who used it with any great success?
I just cut up those thick mouse pad for my Yoda grip. Where did you get your PEM nut Jedichef? I'm still looking for one.

If you search PEM CLA-440-2 or whatever the number is, you'll find a number of companies that sell them in bulk. If you call and explain that you're tying to build something for a hobby that only requires one, and offer to pay postage, they'll probably send you a sample. I've gotten four this way.