Well-Known Member
Hi all, i'm in the process of making a yoda saber. Actually, i WAS in the process of making a yoda saber but got stuck when i realized acquring the remaining parts was a lot harder than i anticipated. I started with a genuine Praco flash, got around to modifying and reversing the collar, found the PEM nut, and then...poof. nothing else. i need an emitter, control box, and grips. i've gotten leads on the emitter as being a lambo wheel, and the control box from a corvette oil pan, but the grips? what are people using for grip material? and is there an agreed upon scale for the wheel and oilpan? i'm hearing 1/16 scale lambo wheel and 1/12 scale 1967 corvette oil pan, are these the generally accepted pieces? any tips would be much appreciated.