Make your own Dalek replica - Free pattern!


Well-Known Member
Okay, maybe not quite what you were expecting...:rolleyes


EXTERMAKNIT! When hobbies collide...

Actually, though - and y'all are the only people who will appreciate this - that sucker is to-scale, as much as the limitations of the media will allow. I worked backwards from actual Dalek plans via the ratios of knit and purl stitches to come up with as perfect a scale model as I could.

Plus, it's cuddly!

Free pattern:

Very neat, thank you. Never thought I'd see the Daleks associated with anything Cuddly though. :lol

Roughneckone :cool
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Oh, wow, that is a genius, beautiful idea! My girlfriend is going to squeel when she see's this. I sense new project for her. Thank you.
Well if you think about it the Doctor did say in The Christmas Invasion, "How very Arthur Dent, now there was a nice man." when referring to having just saved the world in his pajamas. Or at least something similar. Same universe or a tribute to the late Douglas Adams who also wrote a couple Doctor Who episides, you be the judge. Either way I like how the Daleks turned out. Now I need to find someone who can knit me up a couple. Thank you.
That is so collosally awesome that I have no words to properly describe it!

Now I've got to beg my mother-in-law to make me one!
This came out a couple of years ago but was then banned by the bbc. great thing was i got that pattern and my mum knitt me 2 before she passed away bless her. i have a red and a black one, they are very cool too. trying to get a mates missus to knit me a few adipose to go with now.
Just when pepakura was starting to take off. I can hardly wait for the IM helmet pattern to show up. How well does resin stick to yarn? Hmmmmm?