Lost In Space Blaster

Smiling Demon

Sr Member
Hello everyine!

Does anyone have any good shots of the Lost In Space 2nd season blaster? I would like to make one and I am trying to gather some pics of this weapon. I have a very few so if anyne has any they could share even blueprints it would be greatly appreciated!

This may not be of use, but it's a scan of some pistol blueprints that were included with, I think, a Japanese laser disc set of the show. I uprezzed in Photoshop to get a better look.

a piece of rebar, damn it.

all the times i have looked at the pistol and thought the design on the barrel piece looked familiar.

it does look like rebar .

john :cool

The Uncle Oldies site has some photos of props from IA shows. Here is a link to his section on a hero 3rd season laser pistol: http://www.uncleodiescollectibles.com/html_lib/lis-props/00096.html

I read on one site that for the third season, the pistol barrel was made from a length of construction rebar because the fiberglass barrel couldn't stand the weight of the muzzle emitter.

Well if rebar has rings then yes, all rebar I have seen are ribs that sprial around, then no.

I think they turned it in the shop.

My 2 cents.
