Looking for Rorschachmask-Patterns...

I feel so bad for hyjacking, but I don't want to be the one to start a new thread...

Anyway, I was thinking about that youtube guy's mask...

What if you took the face shell, like what was used in the movie, and put on it some sort of wire that gives off a small amount of heat, so then you would not have to use your breathe. Also this would allow for a design change that does not need to be near your mouth or nose.

I guess the trick would be finding some sort of wire like heat source that gives off enough heat to activate the paint, but not burn you. Would El-Wire (obviously painted) give off enough heat?

On page three someone posted a link to a page to make your own heated motorcycle clothing. It is a great idea, but I dont think it would be very comfortable to have that heat on your face. It would look great for display purposes though!
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I am currently in the process of getting a sample prototype mask done with black heat reactive ink. It is completely safe and used for fabrics. Just to gauge some interest, how many people would be interested in one of these? Obviously the price would dictate, but if I kept them around $70-100 (big range I know but the raw materials are expensive and labor intensive) would that interest anyone? Most know of my Joker fabric which came out amazing so I know what I'm doing when it comes to fabric props.


Don't want to hijack so I started an interest thread here:
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D00R;81484Som2 said:

theirs the link to the mask from the Youtube video/ he's selling it. I contacted him but he wont tell what paint he used...he did say that he wouldn't use car paint it would be to hard on cloth, he bought something specially for clothes*

I'm the youtube/ebay guy. I apologize if I disregarded your question about the paint,it was not intentional. I buy the pigment and mix my own.

I'm glad you guys dig the video.

Someone commented on me buying the fabric for my mask from ebay, that is false. I bought fibre from that seller in the past but that was a couple of years ago and for something very different.

By the way alot of people have commented on using eclipse paint from asla. I would recommend requesting an MDS from them before using it on something you'd wear over your eyes and mouth. It's made for cars and while it is the most readilly available I wouldn't imagine it would even adhere to fabric let alone a 4-way strech.

I will be offering a run of these masks, if you're interested please contact me on youtube or ebay and let me know you're an rpf member.
I can do different patterns and short masks like in the video or full ones like the DC Direct/stunt pattern.

Here's hoping you visit these parts more frequently, that's some nice skills there. :)

-- (removed) --

edit: Oi, nevermind. Take care of your old business.
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Here is the problem with the DC-Direct-Mask...I think it looks great..but it´s
no stretching material:

The problem is..its too small at the back:

Someone an idea,what I can do,to make it wearable?
I will be offering a run of these masks, if you're interested please contact me on youtube or ebay and let me know you're an rpf member.
I can do different patterns and short masks like in the video or full ones like the DC Direct/stunt pattern.


WARNING!!! This joker still owes me a Hellboy mask and should have delivered it almost a year ago! Hey, Sculptzor, you didn't think I'd remember did you?! :angry
WARNING!!! This joker still owes me a Hellboy mask and should have delivered it almost a year ago! Hey, Sculptzor, you didn't think I'd remember did you?! :angry

Wow! Thanks Funky:thumbsup Almost took the bate on that one. I hope you get what is owed to you.
Wow! Thanks Funky:thumbsup Almost took the bate on that one. I hope you get what is owed to you.

Yeah, check out his last feedback on eBay. Seems he's not a big fan of shipping on time, either. Hey, Sculptzor, nice auction. It looks like you're going to make a few bucks. How about compensating ME?! :angry
Someone an idea,what I can do,to make it wearable?
I don't think there is anything you can do other than patch another piece of material to the back to fill in the gap. Perhaps this will also give you a chance to sew a stretchy piece in the gap to allow you to pull it on and off.

Or maybe you could loose some weight off of your head...?
I don't think there is anything you can do other than patch another piece of material to the back to fill in the gap. Perhaps this will also give you a chance to sew a stretchy piece in the gap to allow you to pull it on and off.

Or maybe you could loose some weight off of your head...?

Good idea,but there is the problem with the colourmatch of the material.
I apologize if I disregarded your question about the paint,it was not intentional. I buy the pigment and mix my own.

I'm hearing through the grapevine that Leuco dyes from colorchange.com can be applied to fabric by purchasing the slurry or powder and mixing them in a binder. I'm sure they could advise, and they do sell samples.

Short of getting Sculptzor to confirm this is what he used, I'd be fairly confident that this is the way to go.

Personally though I'm more inclined to get in on Kwally89's run. He knows what he's doing.
dont know if anyone else has seen it but the Art of WATCHMEN book has a great section on the costume design and it has all of Rorschach's mood patters for the face. i found it at Borders the other day while looking around. they had a great section for the Silk Spectre I costume and my wife said she might consider it woo!
WARNING!!! This joker still owes me a Hellboy mask and should have delivered it almost a year ago! Hey, Sculptzor, you didn't think I'd remember did you?! :angry

Jedi, sorry I'll reimburse you through paypal or send you a rorschach mask out really quickly. To clarify, Funky Jedi did receive a hellboy mask from me he wasn't satisfied with it and I offered him a blank. He repainted the original and used it on the full display he posted here. I had some trouble with the seams on the mold and to be honest the blank kept slipping my mind with all the work I've been doing. I hadn't even logged in here for months until someone sent me the link to my video here.
Anyway, sending you a pm.
I'm hearing through the grapevine that Leuco dyes from colorchange.com can be applied to fabric by purchasing the slurry or powder and mixing them in a binder. I'm sure they could advise, and they do sell samples.

Short of getting Sculptzor to confirm this is what he used, I'd be fairly confident that this is the way to go.

Personally though I'm more inclined to get in on Kwally89's run. He knows what he's doing.

I thought about leuco dyes but I had trouble finding a company that distributed them. The only problem with leuco is the colors seem really muted and and normally in the pastel range. All the hyper-color -like shirts that are "black" are really a light to dark grey. Maybe the slurry would be stronger, it's worth looking into.
Jedi, sorry I'll reimburse you through paypal or send you a rorschach mask out really quickly. To clarify, Funky Jedi did receive a hellboy mask from me he wasn't satisfied with it and I offered him a blank. He repainted the original and used it on the full display he posted here. I had some trouble with the seams on the mold and to be honest the blank kept slipping my mind with all the work I've been doing. I hadn't even logged in here for months until someone sent me the link to my video here.
Anyway, sending you a pm.

Thank you. Just so everyone knows, Sculptzor did contact me and we are currently working things out. For the record, I never thought he was a scam artist, I just felt he was never going to follow through.

Again, friends, staying in contact with pending customers is the name of the game.

I will post again once he and I come to an accord.
Thank you. Just so everyone knows, Sculptzor did contact me and we are currently working things out. For the record, I never thought he was a scam artist, I just felt he was never going to follow through.

Again, friends, staying in contact with pending customers is the name of the game.

I will post again once he and I come to an accord.

Ouch! I hate hearing about that kind of stuff! I always like to believe that these communities have a sort of "sacred trust", and this kind of thing never happens. Haha! That obviously isn't the case! Reading this and seller dispute threads remind me of when I realized my parents had no magical college fund set up for me. I just always thought it was there...but it wasn't. Lol!

Good luck working things out!
I capped it and getting rid of the grey background:






Oh wow, that's fantastic! I'm sure guys will really appreciate all you effort YenChih Lin. The third one looks freaking creepy.
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