Looking for Marvel Comics costumers - Costume Call Out: Dec 2010

Well, I'll be crossing my fingers! Be sure to post pics if they're okay. I want to see!
I'm not allowed to post pics until after the release date and the product is in stores. But, yeah, like the above X-Men cards, I'll try to post everyone's illustration with the original reference pic when the set hits the shelves :)

Justin =)
Thanks to everyone who's replied!

Your costumes all look great!! I have a little more time to consider photos. So if you'd like to be considered, you have until Jan 3-ish.

Also, thanks for the Facebook friend requests. I love reconnecting with old friends as well as making new ones :).

Keep us posted! :D

Will do!

Justin =)
Thanks again to everyone who replied. I had a good time drawing many of you for this.

All of the art that was approved by Marvel for this project I'll be able to show you guys after the product is in stores, which is tentatively the end of March.

I'm starting a new Marvel project, so watch for another costume call out soon.

Highest regards to all!

Justin =)
hello! can i throw in a few pics too? :rolleyes

Black Cat



Ms. Marvel
If I can get my hulk build done in the next year or so I hope to be visiting the nearest con to show it off. After all the fans are the ones that would be the best judges of how I did. :) If you're interested in knowing about it, check out my thread. I'm very open to advice and opinions.
If I can get my hulk build done in the next year or so I hope to be visiting the nearest con to show it off. After all the fans are the ones that would be the best judges of how I did. :) If you're interested in knowing about it, check out my thread. I'm very open to advice and opinions.
Cool, will keep an eye on your progress :).

Justin =)
cool, just posted some concept sketches. Still in Mid-early stages of planning. But will give you an idea of what I'm working on doing.
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