Lookey What was in the Mail! Iron Man Arc Reactor!!


Master Member
This was made by a fellow RPF member. It was a wait worth while. I opened up the very well packaged box and pulled this beauty out. The detail is amazing. The castings are the cleanest I've ever seen. There's all kinds of tiny detail that my crap camera won't pick up. It runs on 3 AAA batteries so no need to have it sitting next to a power outlet. The reactor itself is very slim in profile and easily removeable as well as the encased lighting and battery supply, making this easily modified into a wearable prop.

I can't say enough good things about it.


I thought rather than post a bunch of pics, I'd just put them all up on youtube. Enjoy!

pfff frackin' youtube doesn't like Black Sabbath I guess... they disabled the sound track. That's okay, just add your own.
"Duuhhnn, Duuhhnn, Duh duhn Duhn...Duhna duhna duhnaduh Duh duhn duhn."
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I got the one Jim did. Unfortiently it came a bit damaged when arrived. But nothing that glue could fix. Another problem was that i got the wrong socket for the electric plug, so i cant put it in my european sockets.

This is also nice. I like the back of it. Could you tell me who this version came from. I really like the idea it powers of Bateries.
Wow, that look so familiar! Where have I seen that before... oh yea, right here beside me! ;)

Great pic and vid, bro! It's truly a work of art, I must say! I'm getting a case built for mine this week.

-B89! :D
I would've loved to get one of these, and well worth the asking price, just out of my league at the moment.
pfff frackin' youtube doesn't like Black Sabbath I guess... they disabled the sound track. That's okay, just add your own.
"Duuhhnn, Duuhhnn, Duh duhn Duhn...Duhna duhna duhnaduh Duh duhn duhn."

I was humming AC/DC in my head and wondered why it wasn't matching your "duuuhhnn"s. Silly me. That is a truely sexy looking bit of manufacturing, truely justifiable as a piece of art. Get the strongest perspex box you can to protect that bad boy.

And yeah, YouTube are having a real crack down on the use of copywrited music being overlaid onto videos. I'm still humming "Back in Black".
Wow, that look so familiar! Where have I seen that before... oh yea, right here beside me! ;)

Great pic and vid, bro! It's truly a work of art, I must say! I'm getting a case built for mine this week.

-B89! :D

I got mine too! I'd like to get a case for it, but have never custom ordered anything like that before. Got any tips on where to look or what to ask for?

I got mine too! I'd like to get a case for it, but have never custom ordered anything like that before. Got any tips on where to look or what to ask for?


I took the measurements to a local glazier and he said he'd make me one out of glass for $30. I'm going to modify the base and total height of the stand to be more screen accurate before doing it though.
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Any Ideas on what I could display this with? I've got a shelf reserved in my Detolf case at the office for it, but wanted a couple of small things to go with it. Maybe a newspaper or something. Any ideas?
That would definitely do the trick! I'd really like to do that fyfe. How long are you going to be offering these? The reactor broke me and I can't justify the money right now, but would like to get a full set eventually.