Little Nicky Flask at Propstore


Well-Known Member
Prop Store - Ultimate Movie Collectables

I see this recently sold at the Propstore of London. Anyone here buy it? I have been wanting one of these for ages and I haven't checked propstore's new additions in the last week. Just my luck they had one for sale in just the last few days or so....and Sandler's to boot. Curses!

So, anyone here end up buying this??
If you go to you might want to send a message to a collector by the name of paulie. I think he grabbed it.
It was at the LA location and was available shortly after 10 am PST(that's when they list new items for the day).
If you go to you might want to send a message to a collector by the name of paulie. I think he grabbed it.
It was at the LA location and was available shortly after 10 am PST(that's when they list new items for the day).

Cool, thanks for the tip. I will check it out.