Link Color Changer Script...


Master Member
OK for those that for one reason or another dislike any of the new link colors, here is a Greasemonkey script to change them to whatever you like...

If you already have a Greasemonkey script installed for the forum like the full width, then simply add this at the end... Cocomon22's link suggest you install Stylish to run the scripts, I use Greasemonkey, it should work in Stylish if not I suggest you install Greasemonkey...

If someone doesn't have any script installed, then I could rehash the install instructions but I'm going to suggest you just read a few of the other threads as it's documented there...

Anyway add this at the end of an existing style script for theRPF, it will allow you to underline and change colors of all inks on the page to whatever you desire...

If you want to add it as a new script it will need the headers added in...

//-- Change Link Decorations
//-- By Exoray

(function () {

    GM_addStyle("body  a:link {color:#3299CC !important; TEXT-DECORATION: underline !important;}");

    GM_addStyle("body  a:visited {color:#A0B0E0 !important; TEXT-DECORATION: underline !important;}");

//    GM_addStyle("body  a:active {color:#A0B0E0 !important; TEXT-DECORATION: underline !important;}");

//    GM_addStyle("body  a:hover {color:#FF0000 !important; TEXT-DECORATION: underline overline !important;}");

I tried to keep it broken down into sections for easy modification and clarity...


Should all be self explanatory, they are the states of the links...


Should also be self explanatory, it's the color you want the font to be...


Kinda self explanatory, but here goes... If you don't want the link to have any decoration, like a background, underline, overline, line-through or blink add it there...


If you want it to do something visit this page for a primer...

CSS Links - CSS tutorial

If you notice the a:active and a:hover in the script have a // in front of them, that will nullify that line of code, if you want to activate it simply remove the // or add it back to nullify...

Example if you remove it from the a:hover, as it's written it will underline and overline the link when you hover over to...

Any questions feel free to asked...
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