Lighting Question


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of inventive people on this forum so I thought I would ask.

How can I achieve this look, the floor lighting I mean, with the following stipulations:
1. Under $100
2. Easily removable
3. Easy to setup, ie I have no knowledge of LED lights (but willing to learn)

Here is the rough idea (not this color):

Ideas? (or maybe the answer is obvious to everyone but me)
15 years as a LD and production company work on big shows... simple answer, rope light from home depot lol you can buy a large spool of it.. prob find cheaper online. put they are simple you just cut to size and slip on a Edison connector
leds will look way better but also can not be dimmed (without more expensive power supplys, and only some leds can dim) but with your $100 limit here ya go
Sweet. I would need a converter of some sort for both options I would imagine. Is it as simple as plugging in + and - wires into a converter?
only some leds can dim

All LEDs can be dimmed at least to the perceived human eye using PWM, but it's certainly not as easy as dimming incandescent bulbs, LEDS have limited dimming range when simply adjusting voltage... Now certain LED circuit designs and power supply designs will complicate dimming but the LEDs themselves can still be made to dim...

Back onto the original post, I suggest rope light it's cheap, readily available at every hardware or superstore and easy to install...
Sweet. I would need a converter of some sort for both options I would imagine. Is it as simple as plugging in + and - wires into a converter?

Rope light is generally like X-mas tree lights just plug them in, nothing special needed...
You are correct in that Pulse Width Modulation can give a full range of dimming. In fact, you might be surprised at just how much you can achieve that way. But remember one thing - the dimming effect is NOT linear.
The only problem I see with rope lighting is that I don't want it to be too obvious during the day.

What about a 'cheap' emergency exit lighting?:
But remember one thing - the dimming effect is NOT linear.

It is if you spend the time figuring out the appropriate stepping increments, rather then just use a constant value to step... The math involved can get silly complicated among other aspects... But it's simple enough with a look up table and some trial and error with your own eyes to compile a table that gives a linear effect... But I do believe that is beyond the scope of this project :lol