Life on mars- Sam Tyler puppet? - pics?


Well-Known Member
I loved the show -" Life on mars " made by the BBC. In one episode there was a homage to an old children's tv show called " Camberwick Green. " Well, there was a puppet sculpted to look like Sam Tyler and also his boss - Fans of this show will know what I mean.

Does anyone have any screengrabs /pics whatever? So that I can replicate these ?
I loved the show -" Life on mars " made by the BBC. In one episode there was a homage to an old children's tv show called " Camberwick Green. " Well, there was a puppet sculpted to look like Sam Tyler and also his boss - Fans of this show will know what I mean.

Does anyone have any screengrabs /pics whatever? So that I can replicate these ?


If you make these I have two female colleagues at work who would quite happily have your babies. :)
Thanks Blad !

" If you make these I have two female colleagues at work who would quite happily have your babies. :)"

Now there's an incentive ! :lol
Google brought ths up:

Basicall, the heads of the Camberwick Green / Trumpton puppets were ping pong balls, and the figures stood about 7" / 18cm tall.

You could very easily replicate them either with the body made from wire and clay, or be kinda sneaky and use a Mego figure as a base. ;)

For clothes, look at some of the Bratz Boyz outfits - the shirts and jeckets should fit ok, apart from slightly long sleeves, and the pants would just need shortening.

For a smaller figure of 5-6", take a look at dolls house figures & large wooden beads.

Very good idea, BTW! Love to see 'em!

Thanks Blad !

" If you make these I have two female colleagues at work who would quite happily have your babies. :)"

Now there's an incentive ! :lol

Well not quite a tempting as Blads reply but I know my wife would love to have a Sam and Gene sitting on the shelf. She loves the series so much I had to buy a region free DVD and get the series for her.

Keep us up to speed if you decide to make and offer them for sale.

Thanks, Malcolm.
You're very welcome, PC!

Very nice start, Shuktuki! Can certainly see Sam there!

I bring more info! :love
Click here for a scan from the Radio Times about the LOM puppets:
Nice side pic of the proto-Sam! Balsawood torso & aluminium wire skeleton - very retro! :)

From here:

Hot Animation did the stop motion, but their website isn't up yet (, but hopefully they'll have something about LOM there!

In a bit of related info, here's how a Camberwick Green puppet was replicated for a set of Quaker Oats TV ads:

Little more here: Oats

Gives a good idea of the proportions (ie, long arms & short legs), which should help with the body.

See 'Model Making Masterclass' for more ad info:

Addendum to above- table tennis balls are 38mm diameter, if scaling pics up. :)

OK, got some grabs now. :D
Apologies for the quality - the clip in the ep is 'aged-up' a bit, and the video file wasn't that big.

If anyone has the DVD, please feel free to post better shots!

Full body - 3/4, sides & back:

Upper body / top of head:

Hello Sam!

Finally, a couple of shots of Gene doing his thing:


Hope that helps!
:lol that's great Coz ! Thanks !

You're off to a great start shuktuki ! I'll be sure to help you put these on display once I've got them completed. I'll be taking moulds from them anyway , so you could make your own !
You're welcome, PC! Glad to help. :)

Got bored at work, so I drew this up:

Worked directly from the grabs I posted earlier.

Should print with the head at 38mm diameter, if ya set the height to 165mm & print landscape.

Red is the wire armature, blue dash lines show the outline of the body (wrap with foam or soft toy filling).

Okay, so another boring day at work! :D
A little looser on these, as they're not seen in closeup. Details like Genes hair I can't quite make out. More rough sketches, I guess.


Note the thick neck, slightly wider body, shorter legs & straight leg pants. Added the rear vent to the coat, as it would have one.

The Nonce:

Same body as Sam. Didn't even try to replicate the pattern on the shirt!
Not sure of the laces detail on the boots, but they look like Doc Martins! :)

nice work on the drawings
i will be using those as referance
for my sam sculpt which i restarted
i am now using a table tennis ball for the head just like the original
Looking good there! Y'know, there's something in the simplicity of the character design. Nice job.

Do you plan on sculpting the body too, or have a cloth one?

if i can find the correct clothes
or similar then i might do the thing properly
if not i will probably just sculpt up a bust
about mid chest
i mean thats a lot of milliput to use for a full body sculpt
even if i bulk it out first
ok just started gene to go with sam
they both need a bit more work
and the heads will be finished
i might do the nonce to go with them


let me know what you think or what to change
all help is accepted:)

thanks to whacky chimp for the pic host
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Now those look cool together!

Think maybe Sams fringe needs thinning a little, but thats about it! :)
Gene's hair looks good - tho I do wonder exactly how it's shaped at the back.
Great start!

If you know your way around a needle and thread, I have a book of costume doll patterns that may be useful. I'll have a look through it, see whats close.
