Inspired by evilrocketeer's recent post of his screen-name appropriate collection, I decided I should stop stalling and post my own.
I've been meaning to since I joined, but... I finally decided I would start the thread, post some group shots, and then do follow-up posts of the individual rings, since I wanted to make this post something prospective buyers could use as a reference when they look out to eBay (or elsewhere) for Legion Ring Replicas.
Also, I'm organizing a Legion costume group for this year's Dragoncon, and I can point to this thread in case anyone signing up needs help finding one.
This display is actually a little out of date now. I managed to pick up a very nice gold ring recently, one which I am attempting to verify the pedigree of. I'll include that in a later post. And yes, I collect Legion figures as well - but that is for another topic.
A close up view of the rings:
From left to right we have:
In box: 1998 DC Direct Replica Ring
Front Row:
Hong Kong Gold-Plated Brass from cosplayying on eBay
Bravo Jewelry Silver Replica Ring from eBay
Arroba Silver Replica Ring from eBay
Resin Animated Legion Ring from
Middle Row:
4 plastic rings from DC Direct Legion Figures
Resin Animated Legion Ring from
Back Row:
Homemade Sculpy Rings (one finished, one prototype)
I've been meaning to since I joined, but... I finally decided I would start the thread, post some group shots, and then do follow-up posts of the individual rings, since I wanted to make this post something prospective buyers could use as a reference when they look out to eBay (or elsewhere) for Legion Ring Replicas.
Also, I'm organizing a Legion costume group for this year's Dragoncon, and I can point to this thread in case anyone signing up needs help finding one.

This display is actually a little out of date now. I managed to pick up a very nice gold ring recently, one which I am attempting to verify the pedigree of. I'll include that in a later post. And yes, I collect Legion figures as well - but that is for another topic.
A close up view of the rings:
From left to right we have:
In box: 1998 DC Direct Replica Ring
Front Row:
Hong Kong Gold-Plated Brass from cosplayying on eBay
Bravo Jewelry Silver Replica Ring from eBay
Arroba Silver Replica Ring from eBay
Resin Animated Legion Ring from
Middle Row:
4 plastic rings from DC Direct Legion Figures
Resin Animated Legion Ring from
Back Row:
Homemade Sculpy Rings (one finished, one prototype)
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