Larger hands?


New Member
This may be an odd request, but I am making a cosplay suit of armor. (Alphonse Elric) and I would like to make my hands a bit larger. I know there are plenty of articulated models that make your hand MUCH larger (essentially hiding your hand in the forearm of a new arm) but unfortunately I dont need that much of an increase in size. I am working from scale models and have made my helmet, forearm, bicep, shoulder, and shoulder overstrap thus far and I am trying to keep the proportions as close as possible to the character. Much of this has been scaled off of my helmet because while I can work around many other things, I cant really work around whether my head fits in the helmet. So the forearm is fairly large and when I am wearing it, my hands seem a bit small proportionally speaking. Do any of you have any ideas or pictures for inspiration in how I can make something to go over my hand and make it the proper size? End goal being something that I can still articulate ideally.
For the record, I am considering (and will likely have to) making use of some sort of small stilt or platform to make sure my legs are an appropriate length as well.
You could do what a lot of Space Marine cosplayers do and use hockey gloves. Alternatively, make glove like you would for a normal cosplay but just... chunkier. Like build up some big chunky bits of EVA foam or something. Or you could go for a combo, use a hockey or goalie glove to get something nice and wide then bulk it out even further with foam.
Life got so busy that I BARELY got this thing done in time for the local Con. Hence never responding to this thread. But I figured since I had posted about it, I would share how it turned out.
This is my first attempt at cosplaying. But since I was happy with how it turned out, and I was already at the Con, I figured I would enter their cosplay contest. Hilariously I actually won! I got best individual in the Journeyman category. I entered as a Novice but the judges felt I should be bumped up to Journeyman since I have experience making things and general artistry, just not cosplaying specifically.
Anyways, for any Alphonse fans, here it is!








Anyways... It was really fun! Im already contemplating what character I will do next.
That's terrific! I'm not familiar with that character but the hands do look too small to me.

BTW the character reminds me of Tetsujin 28 AKA Gigantor.
Did anyone come up with a solution for big hands? I saw this thread just now and was reminded of this Crafsman video about embiggening and desmallening molds. I guess that could work with making big hands. Cast own hand with mold, make big, pour silicone into big mold. You'd need to be wear it like a glove so I assume that after the pour into the embiggened mold, you'd need to stick either your own hand or a cast of your hand into it to create the 'inside' of the glove.

That's the theory anyway. I don't know how it would work in practice. I understand silicone into silicone molds is inadvisable even with ample mold release?
Did anyone come up with a solution for big hands? I saw this thread just now and was reminded of this Crafsman video about embiggening and desmallening molds. I guess that could work with making big hands. Cast own hand with mold, make big, pour silicone into big mold. You'd need to be wear it like a glove so I assume that after the pour into the embiggened mold, you'd need to stick either your own hand or a cast of your hand into it to create the 'inside' of the glove.

That's the theory anyway. I don't know how it would work in practice. I understand silicone into silicone molds is inadvisable even with ample mold release?
I hadnt seen that video before. Thanks! Thats a neat technique. I actually had a number of things that I wanted to do with this cosplay but unfortunately I ran out of time. I may still add things and develop it a bit more. But ultimately I got it done for the con and I was pretty happy with it given the time constraint.