Kuhn Global MR Boba Fett Helmet

Kuhn Global

Sr Member
Well it finally arrived! And once again, I am NOT let down by Master Replicas. They did a SUPREME job in their replication of this beastie Helmet. I am very pleased!

The boom actually rotates down and activates the two LEDs of the front of the unit. On the backside of the boom, for the visual, there is a small photo of some kind that I haven't yet taken time to really look at. As you can see the two LEDs work, but my shutter was open too long and captured them both on at once. They actually take turns blinking. When the top is on, the bottom is off... and so on.










awesome pics!!! Nice to see a pic of the rangerfinder... The more I see the helmet, the more I love the paintjob
You're welcome fellas! Thanks for looking. I can't wait to see more of these out there. And the reviews from you guys!
While it is fine to post pix of your own Boba it might also be good to look
around and notice that there are other threads already about the MR Boba.
awesome , thanks for sharing, I just got an email mine had shipped, finally get to see the production piece and it looks good
Yeah!!! I'm waitin' for the magic email - needin' to confront that $500.00 on the credit card but it looks like its worth it!!!
I am wondering if MR cast these up in a mold that was already "open" in front such that the piece had an opportunity to warp a little bit. Myself, I think it looks great and can't wait to get my pull but just wondering.


There is the other one on starwarshelmets, the MR prototype, with which to compare...

But that is my only real complaint. Paintjob looks Ok.

Nice helmet!

Wow, I'm not a boba expert, but if the above comparison is correct, then the MR version is quite a bit off. I have one on order nonetheless.

Is it me or is the [wearer's] left vertical side of the visor opening more "slanted" than the other side? After the graphic comparison above, that feature is all I can see when I look at the helmet now. :cry

How would one fix it?
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Just received my helmet (no. 687 of 1500) and after measuring it, the pinch is not as pronounced on my helmet as the above diagram would suggest. Was the diagram exaggerated for effect (to make the point)? Anyway, I think, like most people that picked up this helmet, that it's absolutely beautiful. I'll mirror everyone else's comments about the paint job (it's most likely the best aspect of the helmet) and overall I'm very happy with it. I can live with the pinch, I think (and I'm probably too chicken to try and fix it if someone ever comes up with a solution).

While it is fine to post pix of your own Boba it might also be good to look
around and notice that there are other threads already about the MR Boba.

This is the first one I've seen. Thanks for posting it, or I would have missed it.
Thanks, Kuhn Global!

Just received my helmet (no. 687 of 1500) and after measuring it, the pinch is not as pronounced on my helmet as the above diagram would suggest. Was the diagram exaggerated for effect (to make the point)? Anyway, I think, like most people that picked up this helmet, that it's absolutely beautiful. I'll mirror everyone else's comments about the paint job (it's most likely the best aspect of the helmet) and overall I'm very happy with it. I can live with the pinch, I think (and I'm probably too chicken to try and fix it if someone ever comes up with a solution).


Is your pinch the same as Kuhn Global's? Photos would be great to compare if they all have it, that pinch would really bother me.

Just checked a few on ebay and they all seem to have the pinch, man that sucks!
The promo photos didn't have the pinch if I remember.

While it is fine to post pix of your own Boba it might also be good to look
around and notice that there are other threads already about the MR Boba.

This place moves so fast that it becomes hard to find things at times. ;)

My apologies if I rained on anyones parade. I truly didn't mean to. I was just trying to show what it looked like. :) I still can't find the other threads that were before my own, but if they are there, please accept my apology. :)

I appreciate you guys looking and I am always happy to show what I can. :)

As you guys have pointed out, that "pinch" is interesting, and a bit disturbing to see. From the sound of it, looks as if they did that on purpose. I wonder why MR would do such a thing? I imagine that there will be many fixes and re-paints coming soon. I know that many here will be doing AMAZING work on theirs or on their own make even. I look forward to viewing those! :D

Still. I am pleased with what MR sent. Especially for the price, eh? ;)
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I would have liked MR to have also done an ROTJ version which does have visor pinch and then release it without the pinch, oh the irony :lol Great pics and thanks for sharing :thumbsup