Kroenen Hand wip.


Sr Member
Still need to finish building up the hand to get it into the right before I even think about starting to detail it. I still have to finish elongating the knuckles. It IS wearable. How am I making it? Hahaha. Its easy. I started off wearing a very tight rubber glove and basically coated each section of my hand in it. I guess you could say it "fits like a glove" :lol (Thanks for the millions of pics Thomas!)


Looks like a great start. What are you going to use for the gears? Also any chance you are going to do a run on these cause I would love one? Kroenen is an awesome character.
Dont everybody reply at once. *sigh* "If only it were a lightsaber" :lol

I feel you on that one. :unsure Or the tampon dispensor in the women's lavatory on the Enterprise B-1G/914. Gotta have that. Don't forget Annakin's Macrobinoculars from the deleted scene in Clone Wars where he's scouting the female sith locker room.

I think Kroenen's clockwork hand is a very cool idea. Are you working from screen caps? Would you mind posting them so we can see where you're trying to get to with this?
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nope im working from pictures of a copy form studio molds.
"where I'm trying to get with this"? Kroenens hand of course! :lol
I dont know if Thomas wants me sharing those pics.
oh and for the gears; since its wearable, I will have to make them very thin so Im going to go shopping for a few metal alarm clocks and smash them up and see what I get. then put them on a piece of styrene and cast it up in resin so its a panel with the gears on it. One thing that bothers me about this prop is unfortunately, my hand isnt the exact same as kroenens hand so its going to be slightly off. but thats not that big of a sacrifice considering it will be wearable. Copies made available? Are you kidding me? you know I would have to cut all of the finger pieces in half to cast them? :lol I dont think it would be worth my time honestly.
I think after this ill make a custom kroenen mask. Something to go with a green uniform. Im thinking the sandstorm mask but with a back on it like the final battle mask.
oh and for the gears; since its wearable, I will have to make them very thin so Im going to go shopping for a few metal alarm clocks and smash them up and see what I get. then put them on a piece of styrene and cast it up in resin so its a panel with the gears on it. One thing that bothers me about this prop is unfortunately, my hand isnt the exact same as kroenens hand so its going to be slightly off. but thats not that big of a sacrifice considering it will be wearable. Copies made available? Are you kidding me? you know I would have to cut all of the finger pieces in half to cast them? :lol I dont think it would be worth my time honestly.

They sell clock parts on E-Bay cogs gear wheels etc in varying quantities or clock picture parts may save you the hassle of breaking up clocks I once took one apart and the spring was wound i pulled a drum part out and the bloody thing buzz sawed a deep split in my thumb strange thing was it was sooooooooooo quick I couldn't put the sodding thing down won't do that again not a pleasant experience:angel
Looks like a great start.:thumbsup I think you didnt get many comments because its hard to see any of the details in the pictures,they are kinda fuzzy.
well its the best pics I could get because they are screen shots from a camcorder, buit I did it to share with you guys because I love you all so much :lol honestly theres no detail to really show though. Its fun making this. Working with just bondo is frustrating though because the fingers are about 1mm thin and I had a complete set of sanded fingers, cut with nails and all... guess what, I stepped on them :lol so the ones now are just hotdog shaped :p Ill definetly take more pics when theres something worth showing (might be a few weeks because I need to buy a respirator, I heard breathing bondo fumes are harmful). I just wanted to let everyone know what I was working on since it's been a while since I've posted progress on any prop. I dont really make things for money, just for fun. If alot people really want copies I guess I could but its such a pain because the only way I can do it is to cut all the fingers in half long ways and would be a major pain in the butt.
Hey Scott, nice progress :thumbsup

Dont everybody reply at once. *sigh* "If only it were a lightsaber" :lol

So true sometimes... :sleep

I dont know if Thomas wants me sharing those pics.[/IMG]

Sure, go ahead and post them. Sharing is caring :angel

I think after this ill make a custom kroenen mask.

I am also working on a custom mod, but have not yet decided what greeblies to use. It will be called "KROENEN 2010"

They sell clock parts on E-Bay cogs gear wheels etc in varying quantities or clock picture parts may save you the hassle of breaking up clocks I once took one apart and the spring was wound i pulled a drum part out and the bloody thing buzz sawed a deep split in my thumb strange thing was it was sooooooooooo quick I couldn't put the sodding thing down won't do that again not a pleasant experience:angel

You can do what they did with the stunt vest. Arrange the clock gears, take a picture, print it and glue it to the hand. So you have enough space for your own hand.

Looking very good.

A fav of mine too..........I was confused for ages on the meaning of ANH, TSB etc until I realised it was Star Wars - duh!

Would love this and the chest plate