Kolchak : The Night Stalker


Master Member
Carl Kolchak's Press I.D., for those interested

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Oh wow this is just beyond weird.

We were watching the series last night and my wife, who is a huge fan of the show, said "hey could you make me a copy of Carl's press ID, that would be great".

I don't remember seeing any good close ups of the ID and thought I had my work cut out for me. Now Darth Saber to the rescue!!

Now I'm off to find a decent wallet/holder to put it in.

Thanks for sharing, I've just earned some major brownie points with her. :) :love
Oh wow this is just beyond weird.

We were watching the series last night and my wife, who is a huge fan of the show, said "hey could you make me a copy of Carl's press ID, that would be great".

I don't remember seeing any good close ups of the ID and thought I had my work cut out for me. Now Darth Saber to the rescue!!

Now I'm off to find a decent wallet/holder to put it in.

Thanks for sharing, I've just earned some major brownie points with her. :) :love

What you didn't know is that I was lurking outside your window. :p

Anyhow, yeah, the press ID never gets a clear shot in the show. Just close enough to read the "press" text and to see how many lines of text on the rest of card.
I went ahead and looked at some real press ID and just took some verbiage from there.
What you didn't know is that I was lurking outside your window. :p

Anyhow, yeah, the press ID never gets a clear shot in the show. Just close enough to read the "press" text and to see how many lines of text on the rest of card.
I went ahead and looked at some real press ID and just took some verbiage from there.

So that was YOU, I thought it was that damn possum again. :)

I printed the pass out last night and gave it to my wife, you'd thought it was Christmas morning! She spent most of last night with the DVD in her computer freeze framing looking for a decent shot of the wallet/holder.

And OK so it might not be 100% SA but it looks bloody good to me. :thumbsup

Thanks again!
God, I loved that show. It was WAY ahead of its time.

If it came out a few years ago, it might have run for years.

Of course, I'm not talking about the horrid "Kolchak" re-imagining that those idiots tried to do a few years back. That was just horrid.
God, I loved that show. It was WAY ahead of its time.

If it came out a few years ago, it might have run for years.

Of course, I'm not talking about the horrid "Kolchak" re-imagining that those idiots tried to do a few years back. That was just horrid.

Yeah, the remake of the show basically took everything that worked in the original show and tossed it out the window.

THe original Kolchak was a quirky, workaholic, loner, middle aged, average guy (someone that we could all identify with)...The new Kolchak was some young, pretty boy ,cool guy who had a female partner. Totally destroyed the concept.
I loved this show. I picked up the DVD, and hugely enjoyed watching them all over again; the original movies were new to me, though, and something of a treat!

I've often thought some fun could be had making Kolchak's notes, except that at the end of many episodes, all his notes are confiscated or destroyed.
WOW!!!!!!! That is GREAT! I grew up watching the show and 18yrs later turned my son into a fan who has spread the viewing to his friends. Great work. Got a favorite epiosode?
WOW!!!!!!! That is GREAT! I grew up watching the show and 18yrs later turned my son into a fan who has spread the viewing to his friends. Great work. Got a favorite epiosode?

Man, there are so many great episodes. I guess my favorite would have to be "the Zombie".
I remember seeing that episode for the first time when I was about 10 years old and it scared the crap out of me. Especially the part where Kolchak has to sew up the zombies mouth. Talk about tension.
I hope you don't mind Darth Saber, but I've been working on my own version / variation of Kolchaks' press ID. It's based on this real 1970s press ID:

Click on the thumbnail below. :)

Man, there are so many great episodes. I guess my favorite would have to be "the Zombie".
I remember seeing that episode for the first time when I was about 10 years old and it scared the crap out of me. Especially the part where Kolchak has to sew up the zombies mouth. Talk about tension.

I think for the time it was done, The Zombie make-up was awesome. The detail in the discoloration of dead and decaying skin. The autopsy stitches, bullet wounds. Just awesome.
We just started watching this on Netflix. My husband remembers it when it was first on, but I was a little too young. Our kids are enjoying it too! What's funny is now we see breaking news on TV (standoffs, etc), and the news people are way back roped off from the action, and my husband says, "If that was Kolchak, he'd be inside the house already". LOL. Funny how he just told police he was press and they let him go into the crime scenes on the show. Love it!

Oh, he and my oldest son were just recounting the zombie episode for me because I missed it. The one my husband remembered really well after all these years was the headless motorcycle rider.