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Carl Kolchak's Press I.D., for those interested

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Oh wow this is just beyond weird.
We were watching the series last night and my wife, who is a huge fan of the show, said "hey could you make me a copy of Carl's press ID, that would be great".
I don't remember seeing any good close ups of the ID and thought I had my work cut out for me. Now Darth Saber to the rescue!!
Now I'm off to find a decent wallet/holder to put it in.
Thanks for sharing, I've just earned some major brownie points with her.:love
What you didn't know is that I was lurking outside your window.
Anyhow, yeah, the press ID never gets a clear shot in the show. Just close enough to read the "press" text and to see how many lines of text on the rest of card.
I went ahead and looked at some real press ID and just took some verbiage from there.
God, I loved that show. It was WAY ahead of its time.
If it came out a few years ago, it might have run for years.
Of course, I'm not talking about the horrid "Kolchak" re-imagining that those idiots tried to do a few years back. That was just horrid.
Thanks so much! I have always been a fan since it was first broadcast.
WOW!!!!!!! That is GREAT! I grew up watching the show and 18yrs later turned my son into a fan who has spread the viewing to his friends. Great work. Got a favorite epiosode?
.The new Kolchak was some young, pretty boy ,cool guy who had a female partner. Totally destroyed the concept.
Man, there are so many great episodes. I guess my favorite would have to be "the Zombie".
I remember seeing that episode for the first time when I was about 10 years old and it scared the crap out of me. Especially the part where Kolchak has to sew up the zombies mouth. Talk about tension.