Klingon bird of prey

I have been waiting for a studio scale of this bird for a long time. There is one that has been done with a 27 inch wing span, but apparently the material they are casting is very brittle and difficult to work with. Its also hazardous to your health and you have to wear all kinds of protective gear. Kind of takes the fun out of it.
I have been waiting for a studio scale of this bird for a long time. There is one that has been done with a 27 inch wing span, but apparently the material they are casting is very brittle and difficult to work with. Its also hazardous to your health and you have to wear all kinds of protective gear. Kind of takes the fun out of it.

Yup thats the one im doing. It is brittle , BUT when its built it looks great.

Fantastic photos by the way. Thank you very much!

I have a memory that will stay with me forever. When i was 16 i drove my little 50cc motorcycle into London. It was about 7PM so there wasnt much traffic around. I decided to go and have a look in the window of Comet Miniatures. When i got there in the middle of the window display was this big BOP model. I stared at it for ages , it looked amazing. It was like the scene from National Lampoons Christmas vacation where the shaft of light was shining down!
It turned out to be the model that the Warp model was later produced from. From that minute on , i wanted one. The one i have has been in my posession for around 6 years and has alot of sentimental value , so as much of a dog of a kit as it is , it WILL get finished!
Shame no one has ever made it in "real" resin....
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Gunpowder, here's one of the Warp kits I modified, lit, assembled, and painted a few years ago.


The images were placed into that index unmodified. Most are large. Sorry about that!

An incomplete webpage was started that showed a few of the modifications and the starting of the paint applications


I hope there's something in there that you will find useful!

Ive seen that site many times , but the files are new to me. Thank you.
Judging from the photos what would you guess the wing span on the studio model is?

I was playing around a little last week, taking the yardstick in the photo and moving it around to line up and came up with it being approximately 36" long by 57" wingspan. :)

I have that WARP kit.Its very expensive for what you get,and the casting resin they use absoloutely sucks.Its like pollyester resin with micro balloon filler mixed in(or something that reminds me of it?).At a distance the castings look good,but after close inspection,the WARP kit needs a great deal of TLC,even more so if you want to make it accurate as Thomas has done(which is an excellent build).I wouldn't buy the WARP kit unless you really want to get in up to your elbows with migrain headaches.There's tons of cleanup,not to mention allot of rebuilding.Both the upper and lower hull casting on the kit I have have large bubbles/voids that will take a great deal of rebuilding in some crucial areas.I stopped working on my kit after spending days cleaning the parts up and I'm still not finished.A studio kit,or ebven a close to studio scale of the Bird of Prey would be awsome!I've been wanting to do a build of this kit for years and years.
That's huge, and I want one

Me too! I may have to buy it part by part, but it's one of my dream models! But it's GOT to have landing gear and the bi-directional boarding ramp!


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A studio kit would be simply awesome. My Warp kit is not too bad. Its getting there slowly , but i wouldnt buy another one. Now i have it i may as well finish it.
I did have a go at scratchbuilding one myself. It wasnt accurate. I drew around all of the AMT parts and had them enlarged four times the size. I gave up on it and sold it on.



For me what would be even more top notch is a studio scale bird of prey(or close to it) that had motorized wings and was lit up like the filming miniature.I have no clue what kit parts ILM used on this baby,but I imagine they are familiar ones used in the past.I was all into it years back and I bought every bird of prey blue pring I could find.No one made an acurate blue print tp make patterns from,so I sort of gave up.There was always something off on them(some were absoloutely terrible).My experience and knowledge of wiring, electtronics etc,etc is pretty dismal.I've always been good at building,and my painting is "OK",but I wish to improve on it and get more comfortable with the double action air brush.
I keep checking this thread to see if REL has thrown his hat in the ring on this yet..........Still waiting