King Sol VS MPP flash comparison..?


New Member
I own a vintage King Sol flashgun that decorates my shelves nicely as a lightsaber. However, I am thinking of converting it to Luxeon 3 lighted blades.

I was looking at the MPP socket from the graflexshop and wondering if it would be a good way out as far as the blade holder socket goes.

I can't compare my king sol with a genuine MPP (nor a replica) but I would assume both were made to host D-cells, so their inner diameter should be similar...

Anyone has more experience in the matter and could share their experience?

my main concern is "would the blade socket fit in the handle?" and is followed by "would the connection sockets of the blade holder fit the ones of the handle?"

The inside and outside diameters of the Heiland, King-Sol, and MPP are the same or so close you can't tell the difference. If it fits an MPP, it should fit a King-Sol no problem.
Sol's were made by Heiland (S O L is the Heiland creator's initials or something goofy like that), and I believe that Heiland also was a subcontractor for MPP at one time in its brief history, so odds are they're identical in size.
I ordered and received the MPP socket from

I am uncertain if it is a difference between the king Sol and the MPP, but the whole socket is loose, the flashgun is about 1/32 inch too big.
I fail to see how its supposed to be mounted on the King Sol, but even by looking on the darthsaber blueprints I fail to see how it would hold in the MPP.

If anyone made that conversion before (MPP) I'd like the inputs. Otherwise, I contacted graflexshop back about that.

I might need to modify the socket altogether.