Kill Bill Sword question


Well-Known Member
I know that there have been so many threads about Kill Bill swords and I'm sorry to add to it, but I found one that I liked and had a specific question about it.
Can the little gold hang tab (?) on the handle be removed easily? Besides that, I like the way the sword looks. It would only be for a wall hanger, but I'd like the sword to be as screen accurate as possible.
It is on ebay right now too, from a seller called "razorsharpkatanas".
Thanks for your help!
You should be able to just grab each side and pull, spreading the tri-clip apart. If you want to put it back, just bend it back in to place. The two ends are most likely not joined together.
You should be able to just grab each side and pull, spreading the tri-clip apart. If you want to put it back, just bend it back in to place. The two ends are most likely not joined together.

From what I can see, that's what I thought too. It's similar to keychain gadgets, they sometimes have that triangular "hanger" attached.
Thanks for the responses! Thats exactly what I was looking for!
Maybe I can tug the leather down a bit to hide the holes that are there from removing the hang tab.
yea.. the hanging clip is easily removable - worse comes to worse you can just get heavy duty wire cutters and just snip it off. You will be left with the hole... I do not suggest you move the leather
It's probably glued down.. and if you start tugging on it - it'll make it loose.

It also depends on what the white part of your sword is made of. A lot of replica's use rough leather - or some sort of plastic resin... but the white parts of the handle are supposed to be ray skin ("same" pronounced "Sah meh")
best thing to do if it's resin or plastic is just to fill up the hole with filling material (a very small amount) bondo - resin.. whatever, and paint the little dot the ivory/white color. Should be fine as long as you keep the filler in that hole only
Thanks for the advice!
I checked the auction and the handle is made from same.
Can I still use bondo to fill the handle if it is made out of same?
This is the most screen accurate one I have seen recently. Does anyone else have any other suggestions?
Thanks alot!