Kill Bill Cowboy Boots (Brides, Budds and Bill's)


Well-Known Member
I just finished watching both Kill Bill movies and noticed how cool their cowboots were. Does anyone know who made the original boots seen on Bill, the Bride or Budd in the two films? I have looked and searched for these and it somes a # of people are interested in these boots. Anyone?:cool:cool
Not off hand but they had them on the site a few years ago. I got my Pirate boots from them as an un-used POTC 2 extras pair for $100. The best Boots I own. Great quality.
Just curious and I dont know if you know but do you remember if they made only the bride's boots or Budds and bill's as well?
I caught them when they were on TV here recently, and I had totaly forgot how nice the costumes/accessories were as well.