Ok, I give him that, that makes sense.It changed color when he changed his outfit to a black one. Remember, he's not just a User, he's also the Creator. He's quite literally a god within that place, he can do pretty much whatever he wants.
Hell, he rewrote some of Quorra's code by breathing on her ID disc interface. I think changing the color of his own ID disc is a pretty simple thing.![]()
There are lot of Tron Legacy which "corresponds" to some commands under Linux - the color change with the light jet would be the same like "change owner" under Unix systems and the robe would be "change group". Well, more or less, if you know Unix - it would have been total geeky, when Flynn trying to get the jet, saying "I'm taking this vehicle..." sentry:" You are not authorized!" Flynn bobbed the sentry guard and then said: "I'm root!" - cause root under unix has super user or super admin powers.
Look into the extras of the anniversary DVDI read some article where the original writer of the 1982 film said that the name "TRON" came from "Electronic". I'm not sure I buy that, depending on when that interview was done, and how much the original writer forgot.
Back in the old days of, I think, BASIC had a debugging command called TRON (TRace ON). To turn it off, you typed TROFF (TRace OFF). It made perfect sense that TRON was a program to shut down any unscheduled activity - even the MCP.
Nope. After CLU steals it, and installs it on his ship (it's a black disc), you can clearly see it's Flynn's face when he activates it. Definitely his disc, and definitely black.When i saw this i thought that it was a mistake and it changed colour, in actual fact...
wait better do this so no one cries at me SPOILER AHEAD!!!!!!
You know right after they board Clu's big ship when they are on the solar sailer Quorra runs off before she does she gives Flynn her disc so he puts in on his back till he gets his own disc back later on.
Flynn's disc or master key how ever you look at it was always white i think this is a nod to the first Tron film, just when ever you see him with a black disc on his back hes actually wearing Quorra's disc.